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You woke up feeling really refreshed despite you being the culprit of a crime. You actually woke up before your blaring alarm which felt amazing, you put on the fit of the day, and since your sneakers were still drying off from the paint, you put on your heelys again, not even giving it a second thought, you couldn't really tell they were heelys except if you looked at the wheels which were not noticeable, you also painted them white and designed them when you were 15 so yea. yes you have had these shoes for a while but you didn't really care, they were not broken.

Now you know monsters don't need shoes, trust me you've heard that all your life, but the good thing about shoes is that it makes you run fast because you don't step on rocks and get a pain shoot up your leg like you stepped on a 20-foot glass shard.

Anyway, back to what you were doing, you went outside your room and went to "party central" to see a bunch of miserable monsters who were heading out to see the schools newspaper, you followed them, having a clue on what was on the cover.

Oh, what a surprise! Oozma Kappa was on the front page. Mike grabbed the newspapers and walked over to the bin then poured them in.

"Don't worry," he grumbled, "nobody reads the school's paper."

Art agreed and then looked over to the quad "yeah, but i'm pretty sure they read the quad."

Your team turned over to see monsters laughing and your faces everywhere you could look, how did they set this up? God knows. Monsters even put it up on the clock tower, you got a good look at your face in that and man, you looked fucking stupid 💀, no wonder people were laughing god damn.

You then heard Chets voice in the distance "Thank you very much. Okay would you like that with two sleeves or four?"

What do you know, the RORs are doing a charity fundraiser, you would say good for them but you were more concerned on how it was your faces on the tee shirts and the newspaper johnny was handing out.

"Thanks. Tell your friends."

Mike furiously walked up to them "hey! What do you think you're doing?"

"Raising a little money for charity," Worthington replied.

"Yeah? Well, stop it." Mike demanded.

"You want us to stop raising money for charity? That's not cool." Johnny shook his head as Chet shouted.

"This guy hates charity!"

You noticed that chip was looking at you so you immediately looked away as soon as you guys made eye contact.

"I want you to stop making us look like fools."

"Hey, you're making yourselves look like fools."

You took the newspaper off Johnny and stared at it, knowing you look absolutely hideous, you decided to say "hear me out."

"God no." Sullivan shut you down immediately which was so heartbreaking.

Johnny then spoke up again "let's be honest, boys. You're never gonna be real scarers, because real scarers look like us."

RORs all posed together while Chet laughed mockingly.

"I guess the standards have lowered last time i checked, but y'know, self love i guess?" that earned a glare from the whole team as Johnny was quick to make an insult back.

"But, hey, if you really want to work for a scare company, they're always hiring in the mail room," Johnny snatched the newspaper from you and showed the mailroom help wanted sign.

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