Honestly, f*ck off!

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Tw: toxic person, upset over a grade

Pov y/n

My legs are shaky as I get up from the chair and walk out of the room.
We just got the results to an important exam and to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement.

My grade isn't bad, it's just lower than expected and for me it's bad.
I walk out into the hallway where the other students wait and with them my girlfriend Natasha.
She got her grade yesterday and it was really good, we celebrated and I am very proud of her but right now I just feel hurt.

When my principal told me my grade, I just stared at him for a second, thinking he made a joke. But he was serious.
I felt the color draining from my face, this was the subject I thought I would get an A in safe.
But apparently I'm wrong.

Nat immediately notices my expression and comes to me, leading me away from the bigger crowd. Without any words, I hug her, hiding my face in her neck.
I'm more than disappointed in myself and I feel like my life is going downhill from now on.
Very dramatic, I know but that's just what it feels like in this moment.

Natasha's arms embrace me and she holds me close, not asking any questions. She just holds me.
I feel my eyes starting to tear up, a mix of disappointment and sadness rising up inside my chest.
Nat's shirt starts to get wet but she doesn't care, all she cares about is being there for me, giving me something to hold on to. Her hands brush over my back, trying to calm me.

"Not good?" She whispers, wanting to make sure that's what's upsetting me.

I shake my head and she stays quiet, just holding me close, letting me feel what I feel. Her hand slowly goes up to my hair and she brushes over it while kissing my temple.

"It's okay, I'm here. It will be okay." She whispers, trying her best to calm me down. I hear other classmates approaching us, asking what I got but I just shake my head and so does Nat, silently telling them they won't get to know.
We stay like this for a while longer until I feel my tears stopping.

"Do you have a tissue?" I ask, my voice cracking in the middle of the sentence and Nat pulls one out and gives it to me. I let go of her, wipe away the tears and blow my nose.

Her eyes are soft and stay on me. She cups my face and her thumbs wipe away the last few strain of tears before she kisses my forehead. I close my eyes while her lips touch my skin and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

"Do you maybe want to go outside? Get some fresh air?" She suggests and I nod.

She offers her hand and I take it, letting her lead me down the stairs and out of the building.
Outside I sit down on the stairs, my knees pulled up to my chest, my arms resting on top of my knees.

There are other classmates outside, only a few of them had the same exam as I and I turn to look at the girl who also didn't get the grade she expected. We start to talk about the exam, not because we're mad but because we don't understand how our grades suddenly dropped when we felt so safe about them.

Natasha lets me talk to the girl as long as I need and looks at me from time to time, just checking if I'm okay.
She also talks to some of the classmates.

I'm calming down more and more but still feel sad about my grade. When I and the other girl finished our conversation, Nat takes my hand to catch my attention and I look up to her. Her soft, green eyes meet mine and she gives me a loving smile.

"Ready to grab some hot chocolate?" She asks and I nod.
We planned on going out for some drinks this morning, not knowing how my exam would turn out then.
Even though I'm upset, I still want to go, to clear my head and have some hot chocolate.

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