Professor Romanoff*

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A/n: Idk, maybe consider this a smut chapter because it's kinktober and I haven't written any smut yet XD Also, this isn't proofread.

Kinks: punishment?, vibrator, office sex, forbidden relationship, fingering, eatingout, praise, a little bit of overstimulation if you look closely, top Nat

Pov y/n

Teasing your girlfriend is not a smart idea. At least not when she's also your professor. Why did I do it then? I really don't know and if I ever had a reason, I surely regret it now.

I press my lips tightly together, trying to keep silent. No one's sitting behind me, so no one notices my squirming around. The squirming doesn't ease the feeling between my legs though. Natasha isn't even looking into my direction and yet, I know she is grinning right now, more than happy with this situation. I knew she was a tease before but I didn't expect her to go this far. Okay, she warned me about the consequences of teasing her last night but I refused to listen, so it's more my own fault. It was great though, seeing her squirming and hearing her whine, even begging me to touch her more. I was surprised she let me go through with it but I suppose we both like a bit of teasing. And she probably hoped I would do it so she could 'punish' me for it. She loves that and I do to. We talked about this before starting today but I didn't expect to get this aroused.

It seemed exciting when she ordered me into her office before the lecture and showed me the little vibrator. I was stunned, to be honest, she pulled through with her warning. Especially, since she didn't do it before because her lecture is the last one of the day. But she explained that she doesn't want any other professor to see me all flushed and aroused. Her possessiveness leaked through and it was hot. Especially because she told me all that while kneeling between my legs and inserting the vibrator. I was ready to have sex with her right there and then but she just pulled my pants up and kissed me. That alone would have been enough of a tease but then the rest started. Walking with the toy inside me made it move just enough to feel it. But I knew, I didn't have much walking ahead of me.

What made it worse was the function of the toy. I shouldn't have been surprised that a vibrator vibrates but feeling it was a whole different thing. It nearly made me trip, which Natasha watched with a smirk. I got used to the feeling though, it wasn't that strong. But I was naïve enough to think she would let me off the hook with that. Ever since she arrived in the lecture hall, she has been playing with the remote of this thing, driving me totally insane. We arrived separately, not wanting any attention on us because college professors and their students aren't supposed to be romantically or sexually involved, which we are both.
No one ever sits in the last rows, not during her lectures. They are very demanding and if you disturb it noticeably on purpose, she is very strict and will throw you out. I'm not praising myself to be the top student but I am smart and usually have no trouble following her lectures. Except for today. My focus was lost the second the upped the level on the vibrator.
No, correction: the moment she upped it and smirked at me. She knows exactly what she's doing and enjoys it.

I look at her and try to concentrate on the presentation but I can't. The aching between my legs is too strong and never fades, even when the levels go down. And the worst part of it all: I haven't gotten even to one orgasm. Sure, that would have embarrassed me to finish in the middle of class and have soaked underwear but it's just this lecture and then I can meet Nat in one of the unpopular parking spots to take me home. At least I hope she will take me home because I need her really badly right now.
Even, or especially without the orgasm. My frustration is slowly building up but I can control it for now. I've never been on the peak so far, so at least she didn't rob me of that. Still, I am wet and needy and would do anything for a quick bathroom break to get this thing out. But Natasha wouldn't let me go, I know that for sure. She knows me too well and that I'd take it out. The consequences for that might be even worse but it could be worth the small release from her sweet torture. But if I asked, she'd deny me, that's for sure. I can't fool her into thinking I got my period, she knows my schedule and even if I told her I had to pee, she'd tell me to sit back down and hold it, knowing it's a scheme.

I glance at the clock, half an hour until the lecture's over. That's way too long but I have to make it through. Maybe some thinking can distract me. I try really hard to come up with something but it's hard with the vibrating inside me. It's a low level but still. I'm just glad she upped it to a higher level for only a few seconds so far.
I'm also glad I can squirm around when the arousal gets nearly too much. It's not really providing any friction but it feels like it helps with the throbbing between my legs. I wonder if Nat could hide her squirming if the roles were reversed. She'd never agree to this and even if she did, the night after such a day would be very long. But the image is still entertaining: her standing up front, for once not having her shit together and squirming, maybe even pulling a face when I turn it up higher. Yeah, that would be a fun lecture for me. But she'd kill me for that afterwards, that's for sure, especially if I smirked at her the whole time.

Speaking of, she's looking up the rows of students and catches my eyes for a few seconds. It's enough to pull my attention to her and her actions. Another student is speaking right now while Nat is leaning against her desk, her hands casually in her pockets. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she is totally calm and not up to any mischief. But I do know her better and catch a glimpse in her eyes that makes nervousness and excitement bubble up inside me. The student is nearing the end of their answer to a previous question and I watch Nat nod slowly while biting my lip. Knowing she has total control over the vibrations is as much thrilling as it is nerve-wreaking. There's nothing I can really do about it.
I can't just pull my pants down and pull the vibrator out and I also can't control the strength of the vibrations. All I can do is sit here and pretend like it doesn't bother me. That's what I'm trying to do at least. I don't want Nat to think she got me crumbling with this little stunt. No, I am not phased by her actions. But that's just my stubborn ask talking.

When Natasha starts talking again and the vibrations get less, I let go of my lip and take a deep, relaxing breath. I can work with this level. But then, very suddenly, the vibrations go up a lot higher. Higher than at any point before. It sends a wave of arousal through my body and also catches me off guard. I whimper, way too horny to take this much vibrating.

 The sound was louder than I intended it to be and a few students turn around to me. Natasha also looks up. Her expression stays the same, there's only a tiny quirk in her eyebrow. If I didn't know her so well, I wouldn't even notice it. But I know her and know that it's the same quirk she always does when she's smirking, mostly devilishly and during sex. I press my lips and teeth together, determined not to let another sound slip. It's hard though because the vibrations set my body on fire and push me towards the edge. I'm not there yet but I will be soon and keeping quiet gets harder. With the vibrator on a low level, it's not that hard to keep whines, moans and sighs in but right now it's a real fight.

"Is everything alright up there?" Natasha asks, faking innocence and curiosity. My whimper can't really be mistaken as anything else, so she knows exactly it's not.

Apart from the fact that she is controlling my well-being up to a certain point right now. There's something thrilling and exciting to do this in public with no one knowing but I'd much rather be in private with her right now. I want her to make me come or at least pull this thing out of me. I'm not sure how to answer that question though because the whimper was an obvious indication that something is not quite right.

"Do you need to see someone? The nurse?" Natasha asks and I am about to shake my head when I meet her eyes. They are piercing into mine, telling me very clearly how to answer that question. I have no idea what her plan is here but I won't risk going against it in return for even more vibrations. Speaking of, they level down and I let out a tiny breath of relief. I was afraid I'd moan while speaking. 

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