Adopted (Mama Nat)

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A/n: This is a little different than the other one-shots. 
It's Natasha x Wanda as a pairing and y/n is their adopted daughter, she is 4.

Pov Nat 

"Do you need anything else, sweetie?" I ask softly and tug a strain of hair behind y/n's ear. She shakes her head, pulling her stuffed-penguin closer to her.

"Does Mr. Wiggles need something?" I ask and she giggles a little, which is the most adorable sound in this world.

"Maybe a hug?" She asks and holds him out to me.
I smile and take him into my arms, giving him a big hug.

Her face lights up a little at my action.
I know how much Mr. Wiggles means to her. She had him since she was a baby and he went with her to the orphanage and six months ago here.
He's kind of her sanctuary, so it means a lot to me that I am allowed to touch and even hug him.

When we first met her, she was really shy, which is understandable, and wouldn't let go of Mr. Wiggles.
He would go with her wherever she went, no matter if it was the playground, the bathroom, the dining room for a meal, he was always by her side.

When we adopted her, he stayed by her side at all times, even though she already knew me and my wife for a while at that point.
We never told her to leave him because we know that he's the only thing that always ever truly was hers and something that didn't leave her.

It was a little difficult when it came to washing, her as well as him.
She didn't want to leave him in her room but we also didn't want him to get wet in the bathtub.
It took a lot of calm talking and reassuring her to put him on the closed toilet seat while she was in the bathtub.

He would be in sight and she seemed to be okay with it. Something she wasn't okay with though, was washing him. Since she took him everywhere, he got dirty and Wanda suggested washing him.

Just the thought of going a few hours without her beloved penguin was enough to send our little girl into a crying fit.
We instantly decided that he didn't need to be washed if she wasn't ready to go a few hours without him.

We managed to settle on giving him a bath as well. Y/n was kind of excited to bathe him in the sink and make him all clean. It was one of the first times, she really giggled after moving in with us and it made my heart soar.

She wrapped him in a towel and we helped her blow-dry him as far as possible. We did tell her though that he needs to be dry before she can go to bed because otherwise her sheets would get wet and it would be uncomfortable.

She understood that and spent a lot of time near the heating, making sure her would be dry by the end of the day.

With every passing month, she got less clingy to Mr. Wiggles and about two months ago, she left him in her room for the first time.
Wanda and I were really surprised to see her show up for breakfast without him. We didn't question it though and she told us by herself that he was still tired and would sleep a little more.

It was a sign that she was truly warming up to us and that her trust grew within the four months after adopting her. It meant a lot to us and we were happy she seemed to feel freer around the apartment.

So, me hugging him is something I really appreciate and I know that it shows that she trusts me completely, which couldn't make me happier.

"Goodnight, Mr. Wiggles." I say and place him back in her arms. She smiles and presses him against her.

"Is Wanda coming to say goodnight too?" She asks with big eyes and I smile and brush my thumb over her cheek.

"Of course. Wanna call her?" I ask and she nods eagerly.
I hold up three fingers and fold them down one by one. When none is left, we both call for her.

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