Reading date

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A/n: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope this doesn't make you feel too single, it did make me feel single though.

Pov y/n 

I push the door open with a wide smile and motion for Nat to go inside. She smiles at me in thanks and enters the café. Once I follow her and let go of the door, I take her hand and slide my fingers in between hers.

"What do you want?" She asks and I look up at the menu.

I purse my lips in thought and study what the café has to offer. I definitely want a hot chocolate and maybe a snack. But the cookie and the muffin both sound very good. Nat patiently stands beside me, looking up at the bord as well.

She has a bag slung around her shoulder and wears shorts and a simple t-shirt. Even thought it's nothing fancy, she looks really great in those clothes and I can't help but smile at the fact that she is my girlfriend.

We are on a date right now and I am really excited about it. It may not be your typical date and some people would probably call it boring but I was really looking forward to this. It's a reading date. In her bag, we both have a book we want to start reading today. Sure, you might not talk a lot while reading and I wouldn't recommend this as a first date but we have been together for two years now. Not that I wouldn't enjoy talking to her, we just both really enjoy reading and sometimes it's just nice to spend some quiet time together and still enjoy ourselves.

A soft hand cups my face and Nat's thumb gently brushes over my lips. The purse loosens and turns into a smile, my eyes darting to hers.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" She asks and tilts her head a little in question.

"Just debating whether to get the muffin or a cookie." I explain and lean a little into her touch. "Why?"

"You had your thinky-face on again." She explains and my heart softens at that. Natasha has always been good in reading my emotions off my face.
"Your lips were more pursed that usual, it seemed like you were trying to figure out something very complicated."

I chuckle a little and nod.
"Yeah, it is quite complicated to decide what I wanna eat." I agree and she snickers, her thumb rubbing soft circles into my skin.

I love that she knows me so well. I often even have the feeling that I don't even have to say anything for her to know how I feel and that makes a lot of things easier and more comfortable. At some point, she started brushing the purse off my lips when I seemed to be thinking too hard for to long because she was worried, I would get lost in thoughts, or overthinking rather. It's her way to prevent me from spiraling and I love that she cares so much about me.

"How about you get the muffin and I get a cookie and we share?" She offers a solution and I beam at her.

"That sounds like a great idea! But are you sure, you don't want anything else?" I ask, not wanting to press my wishes onto her. She shakes her head with a soft smile.

"If it makes you happy, it makes me happy." She almost whispers and my heart melts into a puddle. Nat takes her hand off my face and gently tugs me towards the counter so we can order. Just as I am about to get my wallet out, Nat stops me.

"This one's on me." She says with a wink and I feel my cheeks heating up. Even after two years of being together, her winking and sweet gestures always make me blush. She pays and strokes my reddened cheek with her thumb affectionately.

"I love it when I make you blush." She grins and I playfully roll my eyes.

Our order is ready and we take it to a table close to the window. The café is on a smaller side street, so there aren't many people walking or cars driving by. I settle in the comfy chair and wrap my hands around the cup of hot chocolate. Nat got her favorite coffee: black coffee with just a bit of milk. I don't understand how she can drink it like this, it's way too bitter. But she enjoys it and that's all that matters.

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