Interview (Scarlett)

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Pov Amelia

I've interviewed many stars already, actors, singers, all kinds of performers but I've never been as excited for an interview as I am now. Today I'm going to interview The Scarlett Johansson. She is such an amazing and smart woman, I can only admire her. 

She's doing press for her new movie called 'Ironman 2'. I've seen the trailer in preparation and got some questions noted down from my supervisor. As long as I manage to stay calm, this will be all good. 

I stand up when the door to the interview room opens and Scarlett is brought in from her bodyguard. He checks the room before nodding and letting her in, stepping out again. 

"Hello Miss Johansson, it's an honor meeting you," I say, holding out my hand. She takes it and shakes it.

"Thank you for having me," she replies with a smooth voice. Her hand is soft and a soft smell follows her. It's floral, maybe a bit sweet, definitely pleasant. 

"I am Miss James, but you can call me Amelia." She nods and heads to the chair I'm gesturing at.
"Alright, Amelia, you got questions for me?" She asks with an easy smile, settling on the chair, crossing one leg over the other. I sit across from her, a little star-struck but I can be professional about this.

"Yes, I do," I reply with a smile and show her the audio device that will tape our conversation so I can write it all down later. She nods before I click it on and place it on the small table between us.
There is also a glass of water for both of us but I am too excited to even take the glass.
I take my cards, reading over the first question, but frown. What kind of question is that?
You look very fit in this new movie, did you have to go on a special diet or have a workout plan to get into shape?

"Everything okay?" She asks as the silence carries on. I shake my head to get rid of the irritation. 

"Yeah, I just... the question wasn't right." I smile politely, overplaying my irritation. Being confused about questions isn't professional. I skip to the next question but it is similar to the first one. With the silence stretching any further, I look up at her, noticing a small frown on her face. I smooth my own expression and put on an easy smile.

"This is your first big action movie, if I am informed correctly?" I ask, knowing I'm right. I've seen all of her movies and am a little fan girl at heart. But this is my job and I have to be professional about it.
Scarlett nods, the frown disappearing.

"It is, and quite a huge production." 

"Were you nervous or rather excited about entering this new genre?" I ask, keeping my eyes on her. A hint of surprise shows on her face but it's gone before I can assess it any longer.

"A bit of both honestly. Starring in a new genre is always a bit nerve-wracking as I don't know what to expect but it's also exciting, a new challenge. And the people I worked with were all so kind. The team was great and the stunt-coordinators dedicated to keep it as real and simple as possible for me." The way her voice is a bit higher, a smile on her face, I can tell she truly enjoyed the production. I smile in return. 

"Have you had bigger stunt-scenes before?" 

While she answers, I flick through my cards, glancing at the questions that are all the same sexist and inappropriate.
Who wrote these?
And who thought it was okay to ask if she wears underwear under her suit?
That's no one's business.

I'm getting the hunch I was picked so none of the male interviewers had to ask this question, so it would seem less weird. It still is creepy and not right, so I place the cards on the table, deciding to improvise this completely. 

"You were working with Robert Downey Jr. for the first time?" I ask next and she nods, her shoulders sinking, her posture relaxing. Why was she tense before? What did she expect would happen during the interview?

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