I could be a better boyfriend

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I'm sipping on a glass of wine, leaning against the bar behind me as I watch guests enter the party. Tony likes to throw parties for everything. Usually, they aren't that interesting but tonight I decided to go, I didn't have much else to do anyways.

I put on a black jumpsuit that is a little tighter around the waist and shows a bit of cleavage. I paired it with black heels, feeling quite happy with my choice.

My eyes sweep over the crowd that starts to form. There are some people I know from work but I don't feel like talking to them right now. There are also a bunch of people that I don't know. Sometimes I wonder, if Tony posts the invitations to his parties online because a lot of them don't seem like the kind of people Tony would be friends with.

I glance back over to the entrance just as a pair enters.
A tall, blonde guy in a dark-grey polo and black jeans. His hair looks like there's way too much jelly in it and he gives me an arrogant vibe. Besides, he's a little underdressed for this kind of party because I know that Tony always has a dress code and a polo shirt and jeans are not it.

Next to him, there's a woman who did dress appropriate for the occasion.
The brunette wears a light-blue dress that reaches to her knees and flies around her thighs as she walks. It has no sleeves and shows a hint of a cleavage.
Her hair lays over her shoulders in subtle waves.
Wow, she is really stunning!

I follow them as they walk further into the room. His hand sneaks around her body, resting on her waist. The small gesture leaves a sour taste in my mouth as I wish that I was in his position.

He doesn't even look at her as he leads her through the room. She doesn't complain though and follows him but makes no indication of showing any 'affection' towards him.
They seem to know a few people here because the man leads her to a group of people and as soon as he reaches them, he lets go of her to high-five his friends.

The woman smiles politely and I feel a small fluttering in my stomach. Even though it looks like a fake smile, it looks really beautiful on her.

The other's get into a conversation while she seems to be left out of it. Her eyes dart around the room and I lift my glass again to take a sip, watching her over the brim of my glass, to make it less obvious.

I'm aware that my behavior is a little creepy but she is just so beautiful and pretty that I can't take my eyes off her. When she finds the bar, I gulp, hoping she didn't notice me staring at her but then again, here are a few hundred people in this room by now. The chances of her noticing me are very small.

She leans over to the man and whispers something in his ear and afterwards points to the bar. He nods and goes back to the conversation. She makes her way over here and I take a deep breath to contain myself.

"Can I have a red whine and a beer please?" She orders and I get chills at how beautiful her voice sounds. The bartender nods and gets started on her order. I decide that this will probably be the best chance I'm gonna get to talk to her tonight.

"Interesting combination." I say and turn my body towards her. Her head turns around and for a second, I think I see her flush, which sends my ego fly. Her eyes dart over my body for a second before she scratches the back of her neck.

"Yeah, I'm getting drinks for me and my boyfriend." She explains and the word stings a little. Not that I thought they were something else but hearing her confirm it annoys me.

"So, he isn't a gentleman and gets the drinks?" I ask, keeping my voice light and jokingly even though I am serious. But that would probably come across insulting and I don't want to ruin our nice chat.

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