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TW: Mention of death

y/n POV

Your head was leaning back against the cold walls of the helicopter, an unsure feeling overcoming your body. "Ghost?" you asked and looked at the tall man, his attention now on you. "what is the plan ?"

He sat back " I'll explain it as soon as we land" you nod. Your eyes moving from Ghosts over to Soap, he's leaning back his head also resting against the walls of the helicopter, he was wearing his gear, his hands resting on the riffle in front of his torso. Your eyes scanning his face, His black hair formed in a Mohawk, his beard freshly trimmed. You couldnt stop but notice the scar on his chin, it was well healed definitely from a few years back.

Your eyes moving from his face down to his build, he was muscular and strong, but his build was slim, it suited perfect with his height and his personal appearance. Your eyes moved as he leaned further back, his hips moving forward as his legs opened a bit further. "Like what you see?" Blue eyes piercing you, he moved one of his hands behind his head to dim the vibration of the moving helicopter. "you wish" your reply made him chuckle, his eyes closing again.

The Helicopter came to a stop, Ghost stood up and walk to the door opening it " come on we dont have all day". You went to stand up as a hand appeared in front of you. You looked up to meet eyes with Soap. "Thank you, but I am capable of standing up on my own". He laughed and watched you follow Ghost. "You're a hard nut Phantom" Soap said finding a spot next to you waiting for Ghost to give the two of you orders. "and you're an annoying one".


"We have multiple houses on this side of the coast that need to be cleared, Laswell suspects the missiles to be in one of the warehouses, I need you Reaper to push forwards while Soap and I stay behind and keep an eye on you, we will both be equipped with snipers, we can help you as far as we can see. You're on your own inside these Warehouses." Ghost looked at you, his eyes tense " Don't fuck this up, I will give you the word to push further until everything is clear dont act on your own command. Do you understand?" you nod " Yes L.T"

" Soap you will be next to my side as mentioned, if anything turns out to the worst down there. You will push forwards until then stay quiet" A silent nod from Soap. " Get in position Reaper, I will give you the green light as soon as the coast is clear.


Soap moved forward with Ghost on his side, they laid down up on the hill, positioning the sniper to get a good look on the first warehouse. " 4 guards outside " He whispered to Ghost " A single one to the left". "Take that one out first" Soap positioned the rifle aiming directly at the guard's head, his finger slowly applying pressure to the trigger. A silent shot and the Guard fell to the ground. "Guard down" Soap moved his sight back to the other four. "Take out two with one bullet i'll handle the other two" Ghost said.

Both cleared the outside, dead body's laying outside their blood leaving a cold spot underneath them, Soap looked through the scope. Sometimes he wonders what happens to these dead man after they are left on the concrete, do they have family someone that is waiting for them to come home, his stomach twisted. Emotions werent the best to keep in his field of work, but he can't resist feeling bad for these men in some way, even though he would be killed on the spot if one of them had caught him. "Ghost to Reaper, do you copy?" Ghost's voice pushing Soap out if his thoughts.

"Reaper to Ghost, I copy can I move forward?" Her voice echoing from Ghost's Intercom.
"Positive, unclear how many are inside. We'll watch your back".

Soaps eyes moved to y/n position further down the hill. You push down to the Warehouse a M4 laid in your hands.

He positioned himself again following her moves. "shes good" Soap let out as he watched you silently climb on the room crawling to the air vent, she released tear gas and pushed it down the vent. taking cover. Not long after a Handful of armed men ran outside Gasping for air unable to get a clear view on their surroundings. "Reaper to Ghost, Men are outside"

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