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Just as you were getting ready to go and search for the missing members of the task force, a knock was heard on the front door. 

You went to open it, immediately being met with the barrel of a pistol, pushing into the skin on your forehead. A pair of eyes belonging to no other than Roach. A familiar Ghost mask behind him. 

"Get back in love, I don't mean to hurt you". Taking slow steps back inside, Johnny pulled up behind you getting his weapon out to return fire if needed. "Drop the weapon Gary! Now" 

"so here we is the nasty side of the task force, the ones that betrayed us. That betrayed Ghost even though he is your truest friend." You stayed calm, not wanting to trigger roach to blast your head right off. He was talking absolute bollocks but was also having the upper hand over you right now. 

"We can talk this through, nobody has to get hurt here". Words calm and thought through. 

"I heard these words before, Graves said the same before trying to kill us. Doesn't make it any better that you had been promoted under his name." Simon finally spoke up, in his hand a gun that was now also pointed in your direction. Fuck. 

"I have no affiliation with neither Graves or the Shadow Company you know that Ghost, don't do that to me. We have fought on each others side, I have betrayed the shadow company to safe your ass out there". 

"Shoot her Simon she is no good, just a weal girl that tries to make herself worth something. I know you can baby just pull the trigger." 

There was a moment of silence in the air, Simons eyes filled with rage but also doubt. He tried to pull the trigger but couldn't. His hand was locked in place. All of a sudden it felt so hard to do something he had been doing for years. He couldn't kill. This was wrong, off the books. This was murder, killing a he so thought innocent soul. 

"Simon...". Your voice didn't help his decision, it sounded so familiar and warm. What if he shot Roach and Soap, he could figure everything out with you. Leave the army. Soap would shoot him as soon as he dropped the weapon. Just as Price tried before Roach send a bullet through his skull. 

Yes Price was dead. The so beloved captain dead and cold on the floor of some nonsense safe house they had stayed in all this time. He wanted to avoid having Price killed but Roach pulled the trigger with such ease it was impossible for him to stop the action. 

Now it was about time to end the misery of the people he loved. Roach showed him intel about them betraying him. Off the books missions to hire people just to make his life a misery. You working with shepherd, being the new commander in the shadow company. It didn't make any sense but he had seen things that made even less sense. People that ripped his stitched heart out and burned it. 

"Ghost, non of this has to happen. Don't you think it is a little weird that now that Roach is here, we are supposed to be the bad people? We have fought on your side for so long. Tried everything to protect each other. Roach happened to be alive, not starved or hurt after being in this prison for a decade? That doesn't make sense. Listen to what is left in your brain and choose who you shoot. Choose wisely because it could also mean the end of you and what you have built over the years." You met his gaze, seeing it soften awoke the small spark of hope inside of you. It will be alright after all. 

A loud shot sounded through the space of the more growing familiar space, a lumb body fell to the ground in front of you. A pair of cold and dead eyes staring up at you. It was Roach. A clear shot wound signing his forehead, bleeding all over the hardwood floor. 

It wasn't Ghost that shot, The shot sounded from your right, Gaz holding his weapon firmly in his hand. Just the second after another shot rang inside your ears. 

Just as you thought the situation would calm down, it all went downhill and you were right in the middle of it all. Ghost pointed his gun to Gaz sending another shot his way, missing again. 

Hand shaking too much for him to hold the weapon steady.

A strong hand placed around your arm pulling you behind Johnny who now also started to shoot, hitting Ghost's shoulder and then his neck. Puncturing the skin enough to make him bleed but too little to have him dead on the spot. 

The gurgling sound of him trying to catch a breath while his lungs slowly filled with blood rang through the room. His body twisting and turning on the floor, screaming to die already and to be put out of this misery of drowning in his own blood. 

Was this the end? Was this how the story of the infamous Ghost ended. Shot by his old friend, died in pain alone in his heart. A few eyes watching him no one daring to move to try and help him. 

Just as the noises stopped you slowly went down on your knees pulling his mask off his face, being met with soft features that looked like they had found peace after all this time. His brown eyes looked soft and warm, beautiful in some way. 

"Hes dead". No one dared to speak up, griefing in bits. Knowing that this could have been stopped. No one needed to die. Yet two brothers, friends, team mates lost their life. Alone and in the old pleasure of pain. It could have been a pleasure to have fought further on their side. 

yet the feeling of loosing Ghost weren't scarred as deep as loosing their former captain. Was it true that he was dead? But even if he was alive were would they start to search. No one to show up to his grave and grief, except for the golden trio that survived the downfall of the 1-4-1. 


Another year had passed after the incident. A few trials about the murder of three former soldiers. Yet non of you three have been sentenced to go to jail. It was off the books. Illegal enough but considering it a betrayal and an act in surviving, it was put under the table.

Johnny took over the task force as Captain Mactavish, having you close to his side as the L.T. He took his job seriously, already making his name shine from the sheer experience he won from his start to the downhill. Keeping the memory of his former best friends in mind, he even changed the logo, signing it as a skull wearing a fishers hat. Representing two lads that he now wished were with him. 

Gaz stayed in the task force, feeling good enough after months of therapy and figuring out his situation to go over the edge again. He even met a girl that joined the force just a few weeks ago.

It is all going good, until it isn't. 

But that is a story for others to continue. 


Finally finally finally 

Thank you for the massive support over the months that this book has been updated. 

We went from hill to hill climbing thousands of reads and comments of people hating me for the simplest tasks of teasing or hurting their feelings. It all means the world to me considering this my first art in English. 

I will continue with my other book Gaz x Reader as usual, but am also happy to announce a second part of this book, signing a different end to the story. Refer to the next chapter for more information. 

Lots of love 

Author x 

Desire of Love | Soap x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now