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Time skip 8 Months.

The task force 141 has been going through plenty of missions passing these 8 months. Some worse than another. Soap has been put on a mission passing 4 months away from Ghost, Price and y/n. He needed to help forces out in the Warzone. Needing the freedom after the failed mission 8 months ago letting him barely sleep at night. He failed at being the one in command. Sleepless nights followed seeing the pain in y/n's eyes every time he looks at he talked to Price about being sent out to the front-line fighting away from what he knew as his family.

He always kept a picture in his pocket. Reminding him about the people waiting back at his home a task force he still continued calling family.


You looked at the TV controller in your hand. "Ffs Simon stop throwing bananas in front of me." The brit started laughing winning against you in Mario card once again. "You're awful at this game" He continued laughing grabbing two bottles of beer handing you one. "You're a pick" You can't hold back from laughing yourself. Over the months Ghost and you have grown a close friendship due to being on mission alone most of the time. There wasn't anything romantic between the both of you. "Another round?" He asked. "Hell no you just want to make fun of me again, How about we continue the minecraft world we started? We still havent fought against the dragon"

"Fine" You grabbed your controller again opening the world you and Ghost started playing on. Price walked in the room grabbing your attention. You looked up your eyes widening the second you saw Soap behind the Captain. He looked beat up some new scars signing his arms and face. His Mohawk grown into a slight mullet. Your could swear your heart stopped beating for a second before you jumped up. Walking towards the scot before wrapping your arms around him. "Johnny I missed you so much" He hugged you back taking in your smell. "I missed you too angel" He was holding you for what felt like seconds before loosening the grip and hugging Ghost. "its good to be back" You looked at him, he was even more gorgeous than before. "You're mask is off y/n" Soap returned the favor looking at you before his eyes met yours again. "Ah I trust these two enough and besides the have seen me without it anyway." He smiled.

"I bet it was a rough time out there Johnny, get some rest" The captain spoke before leaving the room. You sat down on the couch Johnny next to you. You went to grab the controller again as Johnny grabbed your hand. "I got something for you" You look at him. "Close your eyes" You did as you were asked waiting for what Johnny is going to present. You heard some shuffling before feeling Johnny move your hair aside putting a necklace around your neck. As you open your eyes and look at it you notice it being a dog tag. It had your code name, the force you belong to and Soaps name engraved on it. "In case anything ever happens out there. I have seen plenty of people lose their life and I don't want you to be one of them. If something happens my name and our force is on there so they can contact me" He talked slower and his voice deeper than usual. he was being serious. "Thank you, Johnny" You hug him again closing your eyes as he laid his arms around you.

The moment interrupted by an explosion. You look over at the TV seeing Ghost and you blown up by a creeper from not paying attention. "No no no" Ghost grabs the controller. "Well thats 4 months of work gone, fuck" You grabbed the controller yourself. "can't you respawn in that game?" Johnny asked leaning back putting an arm around you. "Usually, you can but it was a hardcore world. Once you die its over"

"I hate this game, i'm going to talk to price about how we will continue from here" Ghost stands up walking to the door. "Behave yourself" Only seconds after leaving the door you turn to Soap meeting his lips in an instand. He answered the kiss placing his hands on your hips. "I missed you Johnny I was worry every night" You mumble in the kisses,

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