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"What is the plan?" Gaz looked over to you and Soap awaiting an answer. "We'll wait out here, Laswell still hasn't answered me, unfortunately. I don't know how far Price and his two dogs will go to find us. If they are really on our ass then we all be signing our death right here. I know how good all of them separately are but as a team, especially Roach and Ghost we will be death without knowing that there was danger approaching us." The air was filled with a second of silence only loud breathing heard. "It is Ghost, I know him Johnny he won't hurt us" You tried to ease the situation a small amount of hope left. By far you didn't know Ghost as long as Johnny did, but you knew that he was a good man. this whole thing was so out of character for him. 

Ghost might be blind right now, as long as you could tell he and Roach were close and still are. It was all stinky, the whole situation from Price choosing Ghost and Roach to Ghost betraying his Team and leaving them. There was an imposter beneath them and it was the Roach. It could only be him. "I'd say we go and hunt Roach, kill him and if the other two are still acting up after that take them in for an interrogation. We can't trust anyone that is not in these walls." Your gaze moved from Gaz's to Johnnys. The room felt quiet once again. What was going to happen next? You were going to try to get Ghost and Price back that is clear. But were the others going to join you? The flat was the safest point all of you were at right now, anything else would be considered suicide. You had to go, not believing that neither Ghost nor Price would betray their own Team, Their family. Even if the situation said something else you were not one to give up good in both of them, haven seen them at their weakest and their strongest points in life, they trusted you more than you would wish. You were family closer to them than you were with your own family. But the promise you kept in the back of your head, the promise to let Kyle see his family again. The moment you promised Johnny you would be by his side no matter what tried to take you away. It was two forces colliding with each other and it wasn't going to end well. 

Two forces that were so strong, ridden by people you had learned to love and protect over the small-time of a year. You weren't sure if you would make it alone, nor if you would be ready to potentially sacrifice Kyle and Johnny's life just to be met with the shear truth of Price and Ghost actually having betrayed you. You were 1-4-1 after all . Nobody fights alone even if there is only one man standing. Team means family, giving what had been taking from others. Sharing what others never experienced. 1-4-1 means 1-4-all. 

"I am going it is down to the two of you to either stay here or come with me, this is going to be risky and we have little to no hope that they actually still have good inside of them." You looked at the two stunned men. You have clearly lost your mind but it was down to you to end this. 

"I am coming with you" Soap responded, it didn't take him long to figure that you would try to pull some hero shit safe the ones that had almost let you die. He loved you truly even if your choices would possibly mean the death of your shared romance. Two pairs of eyes now laid on the younger it was his choice to make, nobody would judge a no. 

"Can't let you two have all the fun can I" A nervous giggle pulled out of him, sheer fear written in his eyes. Kyle was easy to read, yet he had a willpower in him that was near impossible to beat. "You don't have to Kyle I won't judge if you would rather stay back" Words soft giving him closure. If Kyle hadn't mistaken himself he would say that he felt something as close as love for you. Your words silky smooth flooding from your lips, feeling calm and fresh minded even in the worst situations. He admired your being your way of communication. He loved you truly but he was almost sure it was as much love as he felt for his other Teammates. Furthermore, he admired all just you in a closer manner. 

"No i'm coming, I have a lot to learn so why not take the moment to earn some long-lasting memories and lessons" Was it going to last long tho? He couldn't shoot at neither Ghost or Price. He would much rather take the bullet himself.   

"So war it is" Soap pushed himself off the table walking to his room to gather his material, The gear laying thick and heavy on his body. It made him feel stronger and more masculine, the power it was holding alone gave him enough force to end a dozen of men. He was different not wearing it, his cold mind and stone heart melting under his civil clothing especially around you. You had broken his strongest walls, while had has just earned something as simple as a smile or a gaze of your eyes. You were the explosives he never learned to handle yet he loved the storm that surrounded him and the pressure his ear had, whenever you talked and it was all of the sudden the only thing he was able to listen to. A melody that was written by your body, designed to help him survive and love every hour of the day. 

Johnny took a minute to look in the mirror, he knew what was about to come, yet he feared losing you more than himself in that fight. He wouldn't spare a second so set a bullet straight into his now considered old friends. It would rip him apart but it was the safest way to keep you alive. Murder it was, this wasn't anything like his missions. It was off the books. 

Who would miss Simon and Price? Simons only family was this team, his time in the army would be swept away with just one shot, Did Price have family? he knew that Price had a niece and his Brother. Would they miss him? Not if they get to know what John was like. 


Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use your enemies. - Robert Greene

War it is... 

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