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After getting all the needed weaponry and additional equipment. Nick had picked all four of you up and bought you closer to the Prison, Roach was meant to be held at. It was only a few Miles from here on now. Deciding it would be the best to go at night you put up a small camp hidden by trees and bushes. The area reminding you of your first few days when you were stuck in the wilderness keeping watch over Soaps unconscious body.

As if he felt your uneasy shift in emotions two muscular arms wrapped around your frame, small kisses being placed on your cheek. "Hey its okay, we are all okay" The reassuring words helped you ease up a little, a smile forming on the lips that were quickly pressed against Soaps.

Ghost put on a small fire as the temperatures dropped rapidly, sitting down next to Gaz. "are you alright Kiddo?" A nod followed from the younger. "You know when I was considered the rookie in the squad, I always tried to be the big bulky guy that spreads dominance over the place. My L.T hated it, would always call the worst punishments on me." Simon smiled under the mask the memories coming back. " There was this one time when we were training, and I got paired up with some lad that was far more experienced and better in combat than me. God he beat the shit out of me. After the training session I decided to get my sweet revenge and caught some bugs and spiders outside in a jar took me hours. I let them all free in his room he was screaming like a little high school girl." Gaz looked up to Ghost laughing slightly at the story. "My L.T took wind of that and locked me in that room for the whole night it was terrifying"

Ghost continued with his stories having all three pairs of ears listening to him talk about his early days in the military. It eased up the tension a lot. Ghost seemed more bubbly and personality filled than he usually is, like a spark had been lighted up again. Eyes not tired and life less, something was burning inside them.

The hours had passed and the night rushed by quickly. Ghost had put out the fire right before they went on their march one eye always fixated on the scope to see if any enemies were approaching them.

fortunately they didn't meet any guards until way up to the prison walls, something odd could be heard from the inside.

"Squad change to night vision. We got two snipers on the watch tower near the east wing. Reaper. Soap take them out quietly we want to avoid drawing attention just yet" Ghost whispered watching as you and Soap draw two clear headshots. Ghost leads the small squad down under the Tower throwing ropes up . "Reaper you first take out anyone you see standing at eye level with you." You nod quickly making your way up taking out two guards standing close by. "Coast clear you can move up L.T". Your call was quickly answered through a roger and the guys made their way up.

Ghost was in fight or flight leading the squad as good as possible through the corridors, taking out everyone that even dared to stand in their way. "Gaz the CCTV room is north from us, two rooms down the corridor to your left. Head there with Soap and lead Reapers and My way. Find Roach."

"Roger that Lieutenant" Soap lead the way still familiar with the rooms on his sides. He took out one sleeping guard in the CCTV room before grabbing a hold of the Cameras. "Kyle I want you to keep an eye on the cameras, lead them to the amory first and alert as soon as you see enemies headed their way. I'll watch the cams for Roach." Gaz nodded adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"Lets do this Simon" already standing on his six you followed quietly weapon in your hand ready for all kind of encounters. An odd feeling spread through your stomach again knowing that this has been going way too smoothly considering this a heavy guarded Prison.

"Move down the corridor heading to the right wing by the 5th door. Amory is right a head. Two enemy squads camping there. Deploy Tear gas through the vents fourth door." Kyles voice echoed through Ghosts intercom. "Roger that sergeant! Good call". Quickly searching through your bag for the single gas grenade needed you headed after ghost to the fourth room up to the air vents. Throwing the grenade in.

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