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A Few days have passed since you and Johnny sat there, you have been getting ready for the next part of the Mission, packing your back with a heavy heart. You were not ready to leave already. 

A loud knock on your door. "Get ready and move your ass, we don't have all day" Ghost's voice coming from the other side of the door. You didn't respond, rather put your mask on and stepped out of the door. Heavy eye bags visible through the holes of the mask. 

Your bag in your hand, you walked past Ghost and out of the building, The Helicopter was already waiting.

The flight wasn't supposed to be long, Half an hour before arriving in the destination. Something shook the Helicopter. The heavy metal body starting to lose control. 

"We got hit, get ready for an emergency landing!!" The pilot informed the 3 of you. "No shit" Ghost screamed handing you and Soap parachutes. "Get the fuck out of here now!" Ghost opened the door, the helicopter swinging faster. Falling to the ground, picking up on speed" What about you Ghost" Soap asked, fear in his eyes as he put the parachute on. "Don't worry about me" He pushed Johnny and you after out of the door. 

"GHOST" Soap screamed out, opening the parachute wish shaky hands. But it didn't work. His eyes looked up in fear. The parachute cord twisted together. Before you could react he crashed onto trees , further down to the ground. 

Your parachute opened without any problems, you landed safe, immediately running into the direction Johnny fell. 

"JOHNNY" you shouted. The search didn't last long, you found him laying on the forest ground. His body lifeless, covered in cuts, blood streaming from his head. His shirt soaked. 

"FUCK FUCK FUCK" you fell on your knees. Your hands fast, pulling out the first aid kit from his backpack, with shaking hands you cleaned the wound on his head, applying light pressure.

You got a fresh bandage and wrapped it around his head, stopping the bleeding as good as possible. Eyes fell on his soaked shirt, taking a deep breath in you removed his gear and started pulling his shirt up, he had a larger cut crossing his torso down to his stomach, You cleaned it and started stitching it up, wrapping his body in bandages to prevent dirt from entering the wounds. 


A few hours have passed, Johnny still not responding, laying there. He looked peaceful. 
You knew that you needed help, unable to move Johnny's heavy body on your own out of this forest. 

"Hello? Does anyone copy?" you tried again. "FUCK" you took the intercom and threw it against a tree in front of you. "This is some fucking bullshit". Head leaning against a tree, you needed a moment to catch your emotions, you needed a shelter Johnny more than you. The sun already started to hide behind the mountains. 

You started to build a rectangular frame from logs. Filling it with dried leaves and dried grass until it formed a well isolated ground. 

You sat soaps unconscious body up, putting a new shirt on him, followed by a pullover you found in his back. With your full strength, you pulled him in the frame, making sure he was laying comfortable. You place another shirt under his head to be sure it was laying secure. 

Another hour has passed, you build a full shelter enough to cover his body. Keeping rain and cold temperatures away from him as good as possible. 

There you are sat outside the shelter, the darkness of the night surrounding you, the only thing keeping you warm and awake is the small fire in front of you. Time passed, Minutes formed into hours, The moon looking over you and Soap.  


Another few nights have passed, after changing Soaps bandages you stretched yourself. Dirt covering you, wearing the last pair of fresh clothes you had. "Well Johnny what am I going to do with you" you spoke, knowing he wouldn't answer. "You need a medic and I need a shower and food". Pulling your mask over your head. "I will be back, don't you dare to run away" you huffed. " God y/n you're so funny" shaking your head at your own commends. You made your way to a more free place in the woods. Pulling wet branches and dried leaves together onto one big pile and lightening it, you waited a bit until it was fully on fire, thick smoke moving in the air. 

You watched the fire burn for a few hours, Johnny's intercom in your hand. You tried to reach someone, about to give up and walk back to johnny, as a deep voice spoke into the intercom. "Phantom, do you copy??" She froze, before answering. "Ghost??? Omg you won't believe how happy I am to hear your voice for once, listen we need help fast, Johnny has been unconscious for the past days, his parachute didn't open he crashed pretty badly." 

"Fuck... can you tell me where you are?" 

"I don't know there are trees everywhere, I put up a big fire, thick smoke is covering the air over me. That is the only way to find us" 

"Stay where you are, I'll tell price to send someone out immediately" You took a deep breath in, you're finally getting out of here. " Thank you, L.T" you put the intercom away, walking back in a fast pace until meeting eyes with Johnny's body. Removing the walls of the shelter, grabbing everything you can and putting it into Johnny's backpack, you slowly held his body up, pressing him carefully against a tree. Your back met his chest, taking his arms and leaning them over your shoulders. 

Knowing that rescue was on the way, you were given enough power to cross Johnny's arms in front of your chest, grabbing his wrist and starting to pull him away from the spot he was laying for the past few days, through the thick forest back to the area where the fire was still lit. He was heavy. Almost pulling you to the ground a few times. "Fuck johnny, stop eating so fucking much" Sweat rolling down the sides of your eyes caught by the fabric of your mask. Johnny's backpack was hanging in front of your chest.

After arriving at the fire place, you slowly let him down to the ground, placing the backpack under his head. The noises of a helicopter appearing after another hour. "Price to Phantom, do you copy?" Johnny's intercom sounded. You gabbed it "Phantom to price, I copy" A river of relief running through your head. Tears forming in your eyes. "Keep the area free, i'll tell the pilot to go down as far as possible". 

"Roger that Captain". You said, down in front of Soap, keeping most of the dust and sticks from flying onto his body. The Helicopter landing in front of you. 

"Captain" You stood up as Price walked out of the Helicopter followed by two medics. "Soap needs immediate help, cut on his upper body, wound on his head and multiple smaller cuts over his body. He is dehydrated and was unconscious for a few days" You gave the Medics the little information you had over Soaps well-being. They carried him in the helicopter, your eyes watching. Seeing him be in the hands of professionals took the worry you had the past few days almost completely. 

Walking up to the helicopter again was Price he sat you down and gave you a bottle of water. " I am impressed y/n" he smiled at you. "Is everything okay with you?" he asked, watching you down the bottle of water. "I am fine, thank you" you held the empty water bottle up. 

Price sat down next to you, watching you looking at Soap worry in your face. "He's a hard bastard he will make it, you took good care of him" His hand placed on your shoulder. Only a nod followed from you, leaning your head back. 

Word count: 1340

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier  

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