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Soap POV

A sharp breath in and a slow one out. The amount of adrenalin in his body causing his heart to painfully beat against chest. The fast and unsteady beat in his ears. He was there finally they made it to Alejandro's base... They fought against Soldiers their blood splattered in his face rounding up the grown out hair and beard. Still not satisfied. He didn't even use his weapon any longer. Slow steps... the Soldiers from the Shadow company standing at their assigned position not knowing who came up behind them. He had used his knife so much that day he was scared it would lose the sharpness. 

Ghost had tried to hold him back, but even he gave up eventually. Unable to tell if it scared him that his best mate was acting like that or if he was found it amusing. Strong hands around his Weapon he made sure to shoot down the people surrounding Soap so that he could kill his few people without getting killed himself. Johnny's heart still pounding crazy. The memories of earlier took over his whole heart capacity making it feel like someone dug a whole between his ribs just to slowly and tortuously dig a blade into his heart. 

With each painful feeling echoing through his chest he remembered how much he needed you at this point. If he didn't know any better he would call himself a weirdo for how possessive hes grown over you. The softness of your skin under his hands made his world crumble and cause him an already growing erection every time. Most times he didn't even need that only to look at you lifting the fabric of your mask off your face was enough to make him feral. He couldn't even keep track of the number of times he wanted to bend you over the couch and claim you finally for himself. But a smaller bit inside him told him no, it was much stronger than his manly urge to fuck you until he had to take care of you. The little voice on the back of his head always told him no when he was about to take the step of giving himself the sweet relieve. You were too good for just Sex, humping like rabbits until both of you came. It wasn't what he wanted to do with you. He wanted to take everything in. The way your lips parted when you're on cloud seven as his tongue pleasured your folds, his lips sucking on your clit. Your eyes growing dark as soon as you saw him without his t-shirt on. 

He knew he looked good but your eyes made him so much more confident. Due to the amount of work and the stress he had felt in the past weeks... months, have made him grow his hair out in plenty of places. Slightly curly black hair signing his broad chest while a much stronger happy trail went down inside his pants. The hair on his face has got a bit thicker too, but he knew to get rid of it soon at least trim it. He reminded himself more of his captain the longer the hair grew. His Skinny Mohawk long gone a mullet signing his head, The stress, and the lack of time he puts into his hair any more making it lay all over the fucking place.

The fight through the base wasn't long with Prices help from the helicopt- Soaps thoughts got interrupted when the exact helicopter he was just thinking about got shot from the sky. A panicked Price being heard over the coms." Soap you and Rodolfo Follow Graves , I'll check on Price and the Pilot" a nod from Johnny and Rodolfo followed.

He was just about to make his way over the wall as heavy sounds of an engine started screaming into Johnny's ear. Fear shock his body. "Graves bought a fucking Tank" He shouted before jumping down his feet landing on the ground Rodolfo close behind him. He prayed, for the first time he could remember, but his eyes looked down to his wrist the bracelet you made him on the date still sitting around his wrist. He wouldn't take it off it was like a lucky charm to him. "Soap! Get moving we need something to destroy the tank wi-" Soap put one of his hands up to stop his fellow mate from talking. "I have a much better Idea". Without a second thought, he jumped up his feet quickly carrying him to one of the houses sitting on the field. He almost jumped up the stairs now having a much better look over the area. Noticing the tank moving around him like someone waiting for his food to make one wrong move just to get painfully killed in their hands. Was John scared? Yes indeed. Shitless to say the least. But he wouldn't even care if it ended the story of Johnny MacTavish. Surprised by himself that he kept so much hope in himself for so long which increasingly started to faint. He had lost his Superior Shepherd not that he liked him, but he looked up to his superiors. Finding a parental figure in them even if it wasn't meant. Shepherds betrayal took his hope, knowing full well that it meant Ghost team against the bloody rest of whoever Shepherd had under his grid. 

Johnny looked around spotting the tank quickly. He once again started running taking a step-up the edge of the roof jumping off the building he was situated at just seconds ago. He could swear he was stuck mid-air for minutes a voice in him trying to tell him that he should give up and just let Graves win. Bury him and sip his cocktail at the beach. It wasnt him thought, it wasn't the Johnny Mactavish he grew up as the person he promised you to be. Just as he made harsh contact with the top of the tank his breath was sucked right out of him, grabbing onto anything just to hold up on top. "Soap what are you doing?! Are you trying to kill yourself??" Rodolfo's voice sounded through the intercom. Johnny didn't listen thought. It was just him and the stuck up piece of shit of graves in that tank. Right as he opened it ready to grab graves by the collar he was faced with a shadow. "You really through I would be stupid enough to sit there in a tank with C4 all around me? c'mon Scottish boy I thought you were the smartest out of the group." Graves voice only boiled Johnny's blood more. the sarcasm bringing him over the edge. "Where the fuck are you Graves. Step out like a man and fight. Or are you scared that I will fucking rip your god damn head off" The plastic in his hand making a bone shaking noise has he balled his fist speaking. Normally he was a fine man, good to contain himself let his emotions slide right back to the cage they came from sucking it up until he could take it out on some slut he found at a bar. The anger he felt now was different. It was only some bits and pieces that stuck with him from the last few days. You leaving. Graves and Shepherds betrayal. You saving him. You getting shot. Ghost Team and now this. "Ah Ghost do you want to say something to your best friend?" Ghost, price and the Pilot fuck. His blood ran cold. 

A Gunshot echoing through the coms. 







Raw fear buried itself in John. He only heard one pullet go off. Did graves kill one of them? Or did they kill Graves... What if Price is already dead and he killed Ghost. The thoughts make him go dizzy the adrenaline moved his body from sheer muscle memory. Rodolfo also tried to contact the two pulling Soap with him to where the Helicopter crashed. The sight was Horrific...


Word count: 1343 

I am backkkk... I apologize for the longer Pause I am so drained I literally had to keep myself from drifting into a peaceful sleep. But Soap Goes first. I noticed that less and less books are being updated which honestly breaks my heart especially since its mostly the Gaz and Soap books that lack in updates rn. 

Also the description of Soap is more masculine now than he is in the campagne or the game. He has a beard a mullet more body hair, how do we feel 'bout that? 

Also Also... My brain has been braining lately about a story line I can use for a Gaz book. Its been stealing the last braincells I have after writing chapters for this book but I hope its going to be good. Either completely Military again or more signed in to Civilian live apart from the whole we are always sweaty and nasty thing. 

thank you for all the love on this book. <<<333333333

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