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I've been selected to train as an Avenger, the only problem being that my sister already works closely with them. I don't want them to feel obliged to like me because they like my sister but I also don't want them to think I'm trying to replace her.

- Nick : No I'm not going to change your name so that the Avenger's like you more

- y/n : It's not so they like me more, it's so they don't treat me differently and why not?

- Nick : The only way I am changing your name on the system is if you get married

- y/n : I'll just find some rando-

- Nick : I am only changing your name on the system if you get married to someone you legitimately love. Until then you will be Y/n Hill. Here's your new pack. You will be eating, training and living like an Avenger. If all goes well then you will join them.

- y/n : I can still live in my apartment right?

- Nick : No. Your schedule needs you to live in the compound. Training starts at 5am so it's ideal if you're here

Well isn't this glorious.

- Wanda : Hey. I'm Wanda. You're Y/n. We're neighbours but you didn't know that because I haven't given you a tour yet. Fury said we're the same age so that's cool. Me and Pietro were the youngest but now Peter is around. He's still in high school

- y/n : Nice

- Wanda : There's quite a few of us now. Obviously there is the original 6, I'll introduce you to them in a minute. Natasha is on a solo mission at the minute so she's not here but everyone else is, including Thor. There's also me, Pietro, Peter, Vision, Sam and Rhodey. They don't all live in the compound so you probably won't meet them today. Only the original 6, me, Pietro and Vision live in the compound and well you too now

- y/n : That's a lot of information

- Wanda : Yeah. You'll get used to the information overload. Here's the common room. That's Pietro, my brother, and Peter

- Pietro : Hello

- Peter : Hi

- Wanda : This is Y/n. Her room is right next to mine and we're going to be best friends

Well it's obvious which one is which from the accent and the baby face that Peter has. They both seem sweet enough.

- Wanda : There is the gym. Steve hates when it's messy so keep it clean. Steve and Nat spend the most time in there and voluntarily spend time in there

- y/n : Are there any time restrictions in there?

- Wanda : No, you can come train at midnight if you want although I don't think anyone actually does. That's the kitchen. I love spending time in there and Vision too. He can't eat anything but he likes to give me new recipes to make, it's sweet. Thor is only in here to get pop tarts and the only other person who can kind of cook is Clint because he has a family outside of the compound

- y/n : Do you all have separate cupboards?

- Wanda : Yeah. Mine is filled with spices and ingredients because I can actually cook. If you compare mine to Natasha's or Tony's then there is quite a difference. Those two cupboards are filled with coffee and packet noodles and in Nat's case, protein shakes and bars

- y/n : Nice. I can kind of cook. I made thanksgiving dinner last year and it wasn't terrible. It was better then if my sister had made it

- Wanda : I can always give you some cooking lessons

- y/n : That would be nice

Wanda seems really nice, a little energetic but so am I when I'm comfortable around a person.

- Wanda : This is the lab

- Tony : Hey Maximoff. Is that the new agent Fury sent?

- Wanda : Yeah, this is Y/n

- Tony : Hi Y/n. I'm Tony, that's Bruce and that's Vision. Steve is out running, Clint is probably packing to go home for a few weeks and Thor went to the store. Did you tell her that Nat is on a mission?

- Wanda : Yeah, I did

- Tony : Okay good. Show Y/n to her room so she can get settled in. And tell Peter that we need him down here for a suit fitting and then he should head home to May

- Wanda : Okay. Come on, let me show you to your room

I'm used to only sharing facilities with my sister but now sharing with so many people is definitely going to be a change.

- Wanda : This is your room. It's kind of plain but all the rooms are. It's so we can decorate them. Most of us keep the walls the same colour but we accessorise and put posters up. I have so many sit-com posters up

- y/n : Alright. Navy blue would go with the grey, right?

- Wanda : Definitely. Pietro trialled loads of blue's for his room so there's loads of stuff in the storage closet at the end of the hallway. You can just help yourself to it because none of us will use it

- y/n : Thanks

- Wanda : I'm going to send Peter down to the lab and then spend some time with Pietro. If you need anything then I'll be in the common room

- y/n ; Okay. See you later Wanda

- Wanda : See ya

They all seem like very nice people but none of them know that Maria is my sister and I'd rather keep it that way, just until I form friendships with them all.

Authors Notes
Have a drink and
a snack please x

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