Thirty Three

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I just want to get home and cuddle with Y/n. Getting shot has taken a lot out of me so I'm not telling Y/n until I'm there and can calm her down in person. I can only imagine what her reaction would be like. Luckily for me we're an hour from the compound.

- Natasha : I can't wait to see Y/n. I've missed her so much

- Maria : Ha

- Natasha : What?

- Steve : Does she know you were shot?

- Natasha : No, not yet. Is everything okay Maria?

- Maria : It's Agent Hill to you, both of you

- Natasha : What is wrong? Is Y/n mad at me for going with Steve?

- Maria : Mad is an understatement

She seemed fine over text.

Detka ❤️

How you feeling
detka? xx

Detka ❤️
i'm good. you? x

Good. Maria said
you're mad at me? xx

Detka ❤️
dw about it. we
can talk when your
home x

So she is mad, I think. I genuinely don't know why she's be upset though. She wasn't mad when I went with Steve. Maybe I didn't make the bed? Or forgot to take a mug back to the kitchen? That sounds like me.

- Natasha : I don't get why she's overly mad about an unmade bed or a dirty mug on the bedside table

- Maria : Right

- Natasha : What?

- Maria : She's not mad about that

- Steve : Just get to the point Agent Hill

- Maria : Shut up. I'm sick of hearing your voices

- Steve : You better sort this thing out with Y/n. I can't deal with a short-tempered Agent Hill much longer

- Maria : Shut it Rogers

If Y/n isn't mad about the bed or mugs and Maria is mad then it means I've done something pretty big.

- Natasha : FRIDAY, where's Y/n?

- FRIDAY : Y/n is asleep in Wanda's room

- Natasha : I should go see her

- Steve : It's 4am, let her sleep. You've got all the time in the world

- Natasha : I can't. If she's mad at me then I need to make it right

- Steve : Do whatever you think is right. Just get some rest at one point

- Natasha : Goodnight Steve

- Steve : Night Nat

I'm going to get changed, borrow another of Y/n's hoodies, because this one is dirty, and then go get her so we can talk about it and then sleep.

- Natasha : FRIDAY, is Wanda's door locked?

- FRIDAY : Yes

- Natasha : Unlock it please

- FRIDAY : That is not possible. Wanda has requested me not to unlock this door for you

- Natasha : What?

Okay so I've messed up big time. Hopefully Y/n might not be as mad tomorrow? It's a long shot but when Y/n is mad I never know what to do, I just feel guilty.

- Wanda : Wake the fuck up. What the fuck were you thinking?

- Natasha : Huh?

- Wanda : Don't play dumb now Romanoff

- Natasha : What did I do? Where's Y/n?

- Wanda : What didn't you do? Y/n told you that she loves you and you went and kissed Steve. If you were going to cheat then you could at least hide it

- Natasha : What? How do you know? I wasn't cheating

- Wanda : You're famous Nat. Everything you do ends up online.

- Natasha : Shit. Where's Y/n?

- Wanda : It doesn't matter. She doesn't want to see you. According to her, you're over

Fuck, shit, no, crap. I only kissed Steve to keep cover. I didn't feel like getting shot by Rumlow so to cover that it was me and Steve we had to kiss or run but running would give away our cover.

- Natasha : Read my mind. Please. You can see I didn't mean it. It meant nothing to me. I didn't mean to hurt Y/n

- Wanda : I don't know what to do. Y/n is my best friend but it's been taken out of context but I understand if Y/n is still mad-

- Natasha : Wanda please

- Wanda : She said you were over. I helped her get all her stuff out of your room. We dumped your stuff in the corner. I didn't, she didn't know

- Natasha : What? No, no, no. Where is she?

- Wanda : I don't k-




Y/n is in the hallway. I need to speak to her.

- Natasha : Wait- open the door Y/n, please

- y/n : What? What do you want?

- Natasha : To talk. A chance to explain myself

- y/n : Well talk then Natasha. Tell me your excuses

- Natasha : You talk first. You must be angry. You're never going to listen to me if you're angry

- y/n : I'm not even angry at you, I'm angry at myself for being so fucking foolish that you'd ever be committed to me. I have been nothing but honest with you and you went and did that behind my back. I look like an idiot in front of the whole world now

- Natasha : I didn't mean it. I didn't kiss him on purpose. You have to believe me Y/n

- y/n : I can't believe you Natasha when I've literally seen the pictures. Just leave me alone, go fuck Steve or whatever. Clearly I was just a fucking toy to you

- Natasha : You know what, I can't be dealing with your crap. If you can't be bothered to listen to me then maybe I will go fuck Steve


- Natasha : I didn't mean that Y/n

- y/n : Get out

- Natasha : You know where I am if you need me and when you're ready for an explanation. I love you detka

- y/n : Go, now

I refuse to let her go that easily. I need to let her calm down and then come to me. There's not a hope in hell of her listening to me if I approach her.

Authors Note
Have a drink and
a snack please

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