Forty Nine

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It's Christmas and Y/n is only now waking up. I've been awake for half an hour because I want to spend sometime with just Y/n before Tony demands that we come to the common room.

- Natasha : Morning

- y/n : Mhm

- Natasha : It's Christmas detka

- y/n : Give me 5 minutes to wake up

- Natasha : Noo. Get uppp

- y/n : Tasha, baby, I love you, but give me 5 minutes

- Natasha : Ugh

- y/n : Mhm, cuddles

- Natasha : Merry Christmas detka

- y/n : Merry Christmas my love

Am I excited to open gifts with the team? Yes, yes I am. Y/n is a big gift giver so seeing her face light up when other people like what she got them is adorable.


I got Peter for secret santa so I got him another lego set. I made sure he didn't have it by routing through the boxes of the ones he already has.

- y/n : Morning

- Pepper : Merry Christmas

- y/n : Merry Christmas

- Tony : Why does Romanoff look like she's in a bad mood?

- y/n : I told her no- where are the kids?

- Steve : In Clint's room

- y/n : I told Nat no morning sex and she said I'm denying her of her Christmas present

- Natasha : I just want to appreciate your body

- y/n : And I told you that you can do that later

- Tony : How long?

- Natasha : A week. A whole week without sex. I'm dying over here

- Laura : Just wait until you have kids. I don't even remember the last time me and Clint-


- Laura : Did he? Wow, look at all those presents

It wasn't the right time to have sex this morning. The kids could've quite easily run into our room and I feel like Tony would barged in at some point.

- Peter : Merry Christmas Y/n

- y/n : Merry Christmas kid

- Tony : Is everyone here?

- y/n : We're waiting for Buck

- Bucky : I'm here

- Tony : Woah. What happened here?

- Steve : Where's your hair gone?

- Bucky : I felt like cutting it. Y/n said it looked okay

- Steve : You look like the old Buck

- Tony : Well I think-

- Pepper : Close your mouth Tony. It's time for presents

At least no one is taking the piss out of Bucky's hair.

- y/n : Where are you going my love?

- Natasha : There's no room there

- y/n : Has that ever stopped you before? You can sit on my lap

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