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Wanda said that me and Y/n would be a cute couple and I would be lying if I said I'd not considered it but I don't know if Y/n feels how I do.

- Pietro : Hey

- y/n : Hey P

- Pietro : You ready to go? Everyone else has finished training

- y/n : How long have I been in here?

- Pietro : Two hours. I was thinking we could go out today

- y/n : Where?

- Pietro : Wherever you want princessa

I'll go wherever if I get to spend time with Y/n. She's a really nice person and things could happen between us if I show her that I'm a good person too.

- y/n : I need to shower before I do anything else. Give me an hour?

- Pietro : I'll meet you outside your room

- y/n : Okay. Should we invite Wanda and Vision? Your sister has been begging me to go out to the mall with her

- Pietro : Er, sure. I'll let them know, you go get ready

I was kind of hoping this could be just me and Y/n but something is better then nothing. I just want to spend time with Y/n and get to know her.


If we're going to the mall then I can buy something to wear for Clint's Retirement party. I don't know the dress code for the party but my wardrobe consists of training clothes, hoodies, jeans and t-shirts. There's nothing formal in there.

Stark ⚙️

is there a dress code
for the party?

Stark ⚙️
yeh. formal. dress n
suit stuff

okay. colour code?

Stark ⚙️

Right so I definitely need to get something to wear while we're out. Maybe navy or like dark red.

- Wanda : Hey. P said we're going shopping

- y/n : Yeah. Me, you, P and Vis. I need to get something to wear for the party

- Wanda : We're party outfit shopping? Me and Vis are planning on wearing matching outfits. You and P should do the same thing

- y/n : Maybe, wouldn't that be sending the wrong message to the team. That me and P are a thing

- Wanda : That wouldn't be the worst thing. You're fitting in, making friends, maybe more

- y/n : Mhm well, you know your brother has been trying to get me into bed since I got here

- Wanda : That's P. He's never been so adamant on getting to know a girl before

That's kind of reassuring. He's not just trying to get in my bed.

- Maria : Can I come in?

- y/n : No

- Maria : Too bad. Where are you off to today?

- Wanda : The mall. We're buying clothes for Clint's Retirement party

- Maria : You got Y/n to go to a party?

- Wanda : Yeah

I don't go to parties but I have a feeling that Tony wouldn't let me get away with not going.

- Maria : Well have fun with that. Y/n, I need to talk to you when you get back

- y/n : You can't talk now?

- Maria : No, it can wait until you get back. Let me know when you're home. I'm off to spend the day with Romanoff

- Wanda : Have fun

- y/n : See you later

I have no clue what she wants to talk about after I get home from shopping for something to wear to Clint's party but that can wait. For now I have to cope with Pietro's constant flirting and Wanda shipping me with her brother.

- Pietro : Hi, you ready to go?

- y/n : Yeah

- Wanda : Where's Vis?

- Pietro : He said he's choosing the safest car. Little does he know that I've already chosen our car

- Wanda : P-

- Pietro : You get to sit up front with me princessa

- y/n : I don't mind sitting in the back if Wanda gets car sick

- Wanda : I don't get car sick but I'd feel more comfortable if me or Vis drove

- y/n : Why?

- Wanda : My brother has a tendency to go over the speed limit by a lot. It's a miracle that he hasn't gotten into a car accident yet

I kind of enjoy fast driving. I like the thrill of it.

- Wanda : Don't tell P that

- y/n : Listening to my thoughts now?

- Pietro : Don't tell me what?

- y/n : Don't worry. Let's go, yeah?

- Pietro : Come here, I'm ready now

His arm is around me. I don't know how to react to this. I mean it's cute but like what is this supposed to mean.

- Natasha : Where are you guys off to?

- Wanda : Double date. Y/n needs something to wear to Clint's party

- Natasha : Ah, right

- Wanda : If you need us to get anything while we're out then just text one of us 

- Natasha : Have fun

Low-key hoping Pietro drives fast so I can have that adrenaline rush. It's been a while since I got that rush, I usually get it at theme parks and on high stakes missions.

- Vision : I have selected the vehicle in bay 9 to-

- Pietro : Ooo, this one

- Wanda : P, no. That's too-

- y/n : I love it. Please can we go in this one Wands?

- Wanda : Ugh, I guess so. No driving stupidly fast Pietro

- Pietro : Get in princessa and make sure you're seatbelt is secure. We're going for a drive

I swear to god Pietro is a gentleman sometimes. Opening doors for me, making sure I'm going to be safe. It's kind of hot.

- Wanda : Keep your thoughts down. I can hear everything right now and it's not something I need to hear

- y/n : Sorry

- Pietro : What were you thinking about princessa?

- y/n : Nothing P. Let's go, yeah?

It's one thing to think my best friends brother is hot, it's another thing for her to know that I feel that way.

Authors Notes
Have a drink and
a snack please

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