Twenty Seven

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The bullying doesn't stop there, it's progressed to Natasha talking at me in multiple different languages and me not understanding much of it. I can do the standard French, German, Spanish (fluently) but my knowledge stops there.

- y/n : Ooo, Wanda wants to know if you want to join me and her for girls nights tomorrow

- Natasha : What does that entail? I'm not going to babysit you and Witchy

- y/n : We don't need babysitting. It involves movies, face masks, pizza and nail polish. Oh and a lot of talk about Wanda's sex life

- Natasha : I see. And that's because you're a virgin?

- y/n : Yep

- Natasha : I don't get how. You're a very pretty woman, how have you not had sex?

- y/n : I lived with Maria my whole life and Pietro was waiting until I was ready

- Natasha : What was stopping you?

- y/n : The girls I went to high school with used to go on about how it hurt and how they didn't get any pleasure from it. I don't want to put myself in pain intentionally

- Natasha : You're a SHIELD agent, you've been shot at and your scared of pain during sex?

- y/n : Yeah

- Natasha : It doesn't always hurt by the way. You have to find someone who's willing to go at your pace and accept your boundaries

That sounds good and all but I'm just getting older and people are less likely to have sex with a 26 year old virgin. Like it's not big deal except I am clueless when it come to sex. Porn isn't realistic so what the actual fuck am I supposed to do?

- Natasha : Moving on, you have romantic feelings about me?

- y/n : We're talking about this now?

- Natasha : Yep

- y/n : Then yes, I have romantic feelings for you

- Natasha : Mhm

- y/n : What?

- Natasha : Nothing, nothing at all

- y/n : Nat

- Natasha : It's nothing, I swear

She's a bad liar sometimes. I think she's purposely being a bad liar because you can't be a spy/assassin and not be able to lie.

- Natasha : Are you cold?

- y/n : Meh, a little

- Natasha : Better?

- y/n : Gimme a minute. You comfy?

- Natasha : Yeah

I can barely focus on the film when Natasha is messing around with my hair.

- Natasha : You're tired. Go to sleep

- y/n : Your fault I'm tired

- Natasha : What do you mean?

- y/n : You're messing with my hair and it's making me tired

- Natasha : Ah, okay. Go to bed detka. I'll be here when you wake up

- y/n : Mhm

I find it very easy to let my guard down around Natasha, to fall asleep and be honest.

- Wanda : Hey. Tony is ordering takeout for dinner. He sent me to get your order

- Natasha : Hey, wake up. What do you want for dinner?

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