Thirty Two

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Avengers, Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, were spotting kissing in public! New Avenger, Y/n Hill, recently posted on Instagram with the caption "My account is officially a fan account for my girlfriend

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Avengers, Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, were spotting kissing in public! New Avenger, Y/n Hill, recently posted on Instagram with the caption "My account is officially a fan account for my girlfriend." Is the ferocious Black Widow cheating on newbie Y/n Hill or was the romance short lived? All we know is that we are all rooting for Romanogers #sorryyn. Find out more on our website.


See I don't want to jump to conclusions but that doesn't look great. Not only is there literal picture evidence of them kissing but the whole world knows.

- Thor : Are you okay Lady Y/n?

- y/n : You seen the article?

- Tony : No?

- y/n : FRIDAY, open the article on my phone but on the TV

- FRIDAY : Opening "Is Romanogers Real?"

- Pietro : Oh fuck

- Bruce : What? Is that-

- y/n : Steve and Nat kissing

- Wanda : Are you okay?

- y/n : Yep. To be expected, isn't it?

I'm not angry per say. I'm disappointed that I believed Nat would treat me differently than Pietro did. It's fine, I'll get over it. Me and P are friends again so after some time me and Nat will be friends again

- Maria : I saw the article. Are you okay?

- y/n : Mhm, yeah

- Maria : Stop ripping up the photos Y/n

- y/n : No. Did you know I told her I love her? I've never said that to anyone and she said it back but clearly she didn't mean it

- Maria : Do you need me to do anything?

- y/n : Help me burn this shit. I don't need it. They were all photos of me and her, I'll keep the rest up

The wall is kind of bare now, it's just got photos of me, Wanda, Maria and Peter there now but it's fine. I'm not going to sit around and be upset about something like that.

- y/n : Where's P?

- Maria : Please don't try to get back with Pietro

- y/n : I'm not going to. He just give great hugs and I kinda need a hug from him right now. FRIDAY, can you ask Pietro to come to my room?

- FRIDAY : Pietro is on his way

- Pietro : Hey. How you feeling?

- y/n : Can I have a hug?

- Pietro : Yeah. I bought a friend with me

- Peter : Hey. I saw the news Y/n. I'm sorry

- y/n : It's fine. You guys want to watch a movie?

- Maria : I'm fine. Nick wants to see me. Call if you need me

Movie night with Pietro and Peter. There's enough room on my bed if we all hug. I mean I needed a hug anyway but yolo. I'm leaning on Pietro and Peter is leaning on my but it's fine. I don't feel like total crap right now.

- Wanda : Hey. Got room for one more?

- y/n : Yeah. Move over guys, come here Wands

- Wanda : How you feeling?

- y/n : Not as bad as I did but still sorry for myself. You?

- Wanda : I'm fine, a little upset for you

- y/n : I'm fine Wands. Don't worry about me

- Peter : Can we go build lego?

- y/n : All of us?

- Peter : Yeah

- y/n : Sure

Peter's my favourite teenager, I don't get why people could have a problem with him. He's so sweet, a little clumsy but that's adorable. He's not one of those teenagers who wants nothing to do with adults.

- Peter : We started building the Eiffel Tower but it's a little repetitive

- Pietro : FRIDAY Play 'Lego Music'

- FRIDAY : Playing 'Lego Music'

- Wanda : I didn't know this room was here. I thought it was a storage closet

- Peter : Y/n said the same thing when I showed her

- Wanda : You knew this was here and didn't tell me? How long have you known?

- y/n : A while. During me and P, I think, so 5 months

- Pietro : Do you miss sleeping next to me yet princessa?

- y/n : P, I love you, you're brilliant, but everything I felt for you was platonic I just struggled to tell the difference between platonic and romantic

It's fine. I'm fine. That's what I need to keep telling myself. I am fine. I know what I had with P was platonic because I feel romantic feelings for Nat.

- Wanda : It's getting late. Let's head to bed guys

- Pietro : We're not kids

- y/n : Peter is

- Peter : Let me just pack this away and then I'll head home

- y/n : Text May, tell her it's too late to come home but that we're looking after you

- Pietro : Are we all watching movies?

- Wanda : It's 2am, no more movies. Me and Y/n will sleep in my room and you two can sleep in your separate rooms because Peter is a teenager and needs his sleep and you'll keep him up

- Pietro : Ugh

- Wanda : Let's go to bed Y/n

I want to text Nat before I go to bed. I've been avoiding her messages since I saw the article, I don't think she knows that I know.


Hey detka. It's been
a busy day today. I
saw Maria and Nick.
He's alive but really
injured. You're probably
asleep. Call me when
you wake up. I miss
your voice xx

Everything inside of me is telling me not to sneer her message, to block her number and deal with the consequences when she gets back. Another part of me is telling me to play along so I can confront her when she gets back.

miss you too. i
spent time with
pietro today. be
safe x

It's a relatively normal message from me, especially if I'm tired. Nat shouldn't expect a thing. If I keep it to myself then I have time to make sure everything of mine is out of her room. I think it might hurt a little more because Nat is wearing my clothes in the photo from the article.

Authors Note
Have a drink and
a snack please

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