Twenty One

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Did I overreact? Yes. I don't really care though. I'm drunk and I'm blaming the alcohol.

- Natasha : Is it safe for me to come in?

- y/n : Yep

- Natasha : Are you okay?

- y/n : Nope

- Natasha : Want to talk?

- y/n : Nope

- Natasha : Well get comfy. We're going to bed. FRIDAY, play 'Sleep' playlist

- FRIDAY : Playing 'Sleep' playlist on. Sleep mode activated

- y/n : Sleep mode?

- Natasha : FRIDAY monitors our sleep patterns and turns on the music when we get restless

Smart feature. I have a feeling Pepper might have made Tony introduce that feature.

- Natasha : Why are you on the edge of the bed?

- y/n : You said you don't cuddle

- Natasha : Oh fuck it. Come here

- y/n : What?

- Natasha : This is your one opportunity to cuddle with me. I'm tipsy, don't even think about it happening again

- y/n : Are you sure?

- Natasha : Right, you're being weird about it. Either you can put your head on my chest and I'll wrap my arm around your back or you can be little spoon and I'll put my arm around your waist

- y/n : I don't-

- Natasha : Roll over. There you go, you're little spoon now. Goodnight Y/n

- y/n : Night Tasha

This is so weird but feels normal. I cuddle with Wanda so I suppose me and Natasha will also be friends that cuddle.


So my night with Vision didn't go ahead as planned because Y/n got upset at Maria and Pietro. I was going to go ask if she was okay but Nat told me she has it handled.

- Wanda : FRIDAY, is Y/n awake yet?

- FRIDAY : If appears that Y/n and Natasha are both still asleep in Y/n's room

- Pietro : I didn't mean to do it. I honestly forgot about Y/n. I didn't mean to kiss-

- Wanda : Am I talking to you? That's my best friend P and you ask her to be you girlfriend, get in fights over her but forgets she exists and kiss another women

- Vision : Would you like me to go and wake Y/n and Natasha up?

- Wanda : No. It's fine. We will wait

- Pietro : But-

- Wanda : You're acting like a child now Pietro. I suggest being quiet

At least Y/n wasn't alone last night. After the argument I heard her have with Maria and then the whole situation with Pietro I think it was for the best.


So I wasn't expecting to wake up cuddled into Y/n but I'm not cold and I got a pretty good nights sleep.

- y/n : Mhm

- Natasha : No, Y/n, that's me not a pillow. You can't smush into me anymore then you already are

- y/n : Mhm no. Stop moving

- Natasha : Let me move for a minute. There, that's more comfortable for me

- y/n : Mhm

- Wanda : He- woah. Okay. FRIDAY said you're both awake so I'm here. Is she okay?

- y/n : Mhm good

- Wanda : Do you need me to leave you both alone for a little longer?

- y/n : Don't mind

- Natasha : I could do with more sleep

- y/n : Mhm

Wanda can come back later. Me and Y/n are going to sleep in. Normally I'd protest to this much contact with someone but I know Y/n won't let go of me.

- y/n : We should get up

- Natasha : No

- y/n : Clint is leaving an hour Tasha

- Natasha : Don't call me that

- y/n : Okay well get up. We need to go say bye to Clint

- Natasha : I just want to lay here though

- y/n : We can come back afterwards

I'm not clingy, I just liked sleeping next to Y/n. It's different then when I've slept next to my other friends. I feel more at ease, more like I can be myself.

- y/n : Is that my t-shirt?

- Natasha : You said I could wear it

- y/n : Keep it. I don't wear that one

- Natasha : I've literally seen you wear it to training so many times

- y/n : And? I won't notice if it's missing

- Natasha : Are you sure?

- y/n : Yeah. Let's stop by your room so you can grab some sweatpants before we go see everyone

Clint is officially retiring. It'll be weird that he's not in the compound and won't be on missions most of the time but I know I can always visit him. I should go see Laura and the kids soon anyway. Maybe Y/n will come so I don't have to make the trip alone.

- y/n : Morning

- Steve : You're awake. We missed you last night

- Tony : Speak for yourself

- Natasha : Tony

- Tony : Joking, joking. We did miss you kid, most of us anyway

All dirty looks should be directed towards Pietro, not Y/n. Good thing the guys are fairly protective.

- y/n : So, what's for breakfast?

- Wanda : I'm making waffles

- y/n : Want help prepping toppings? Me and Nat can do it

- Wanda : Please

- Natasha : What sort of topping does everyone want?

Name a fruit, me and Y/n are probably chopping it up right now.

- Pietro : Can we talk?

- y/n : You know that, last night, was me breaking up with you?

- Pietro : What?

- y/n : You kissed another girl P. I'm not going to sit around while you say that you'll change and I fall for it. We're better off as friends

- Pietro : I'm sorry

- y/n : I know but sorry doesn't take back your actions. Can you pass me the strawberries please Nat?

I'm not being nosey if the conversation is loud enough for me to hear.

Authors Note
Have a drink and
a snack please

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