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So we're shopping again. I don't know what else Wanda needs but it's nice to be out the compound but I hate not being around Pietro. I think he thinks I'm going to leave and never come back.

- Wanda : So, how's it between you and Pietro?

- y/n : He spent all night clinging onto me

- Wanda : Did you sleep?

- y/n : No. Didn't want to wake up P

- Wanda : Maybe you wouldn't have because he was there

- y/n : After what happened yesterday I know I'd end up with a nightmare

- Wanda : Ah, alright

- y/n : Where we off to?

- Wanda : To pick up Nat's parcels and so I can buy a new perfume

Nat has been sent on a mission. I can't imagine being on a mission and then coming home to go to a party. As an agent I would get back from missions and pass out in my uniform on my bed.

- Wanda : You spoken to Maria?

- y/n : Nope

- Wanda : You going to?

- y/n : Not yet

- Wanda : She'll be at the party tonight

- y/n : Nice. I'm planning on sticking next to your brother or you

- Wanda : You seem very attached to P. Like you think he can't do anything wrong

It's P, I know he isn't an angel but I really like him and I want it to work with him. We made it official last night and I'm not going to start off our relationship by doubting him.

- y/n : How are you and Vis?

- Wanda : Good. He stayed in my room last night

- y/n : Ooo

- Wanda : Shut up. Nothing happened, we just cuddled

- y/n : That's cute. P wouldn't let me go. He didn't want me to go out today

- Wanda : Isn't that a little possessive?

- y/n : Well not really. He just didn't want to be alone so I called Peter to stay with him

So what if P is a little bit possessive. I don't mind.

Maria 🕺

Maria 🕺
Dad is asking to
see you.

okay? he can ask
all he wants. i want
doesn't get remember

Maria 🕺
Where are you?

none of your business

She can't just accept my decision not to see him. He's not my Dad, he was never a Dad to me. Maybe Maria remembers a time when he wasn't abusive but I don't. It's all I've ever known.

- Wanda : Are you okay?

- y/n : Yeah. Let's go

- Wanda : Well Nat needs me to stop at Victoria Secret. Want to come in? I might be a while

- y/n : Sure

- Wanda : I'm going to see if they have anything that I can wear under my dress so that me and Vis, y'know

- y/n : Well, I wish you luck with that. Tell me all about it in the morning and keep the noise down if you're in your room because I don't need to hear that and neither does P

- Wanda : Are you going to?

- y/n : Not tonight, I don't think I'm ready

- Wanda : Ahh. It can't hurt to look. You might find something that you'll use in the future

I doubt it. I'm not really thinking about the sexual aspect of mine and P's relationship. We're getting to know each other before we do that.

- Wanda : Would this look good on me?

- y/n : Yeah. The colour is very you

- Wanda : I have a jacket exactly this colour. Vis always says the jackets looks good so maybe lingerie in the same colour might go down well

- y/n : It's a really nice colour

- Wanda : Okay. I'm going to get it. Hopefully Vis likes it

- y/n : Hopefully

I wish Wanda luck with the sexual aspect of her relationship with Vision. I have no clue how that'll work but I suppose it will if she's buying lingerie.

- Wanda : Hold Nat's stuff while I pay?

- y/n : Sure. Oh damn

- Wanda : What?

- y/n : Look at the stuff Nat ordered. That's hot. I'd wear that

- Wanda : Well Natasha is attractive. I wonder who she's planning on sleeping with

- y/n : Might be flying solo

I think I'd prefer is Natasha was flying solo because otherwise the entire floor, aside from my room, will be people having sex and that's not something I particularly need to hear.

- Wanda : Makes sense. She's either flying solo or talked Steve or Bruce into a friends-with-benefits situation

- y/n : Let me guess, Natasha doesn't do relationships?

- Wanda : Yep, exactly. She sleeps with people but never gets in a relationship. It's kind of sad considering she's so beautiful and-

- y/n : That lowkey sound like you have a crush on her

- Wanda : I did before I found out she doesn't do relationships and before I got to know Vis

I get that. I think if I wasn't with P and Natasha wasn't an asshole sometimes then I'd probably really like her.

- y/n : Now to pick up the dress?

- Wanda : Yeah. I've seen it, Nat is going to look so good in it

- y/n : Explain

- Wanda : It's like wine red and ruffled the whole way up. It's a little short but flattering, shows off Nat's legs. It's hot, trust me

- y/n : I'd keep the swooning over Nat down to a minimum when you're around Vis. Pretty sure he might see her as a threat

- Wanda : He knows I only have eyes for him

- y/n : Not what it sounds like

If Wanda finds Nat attractive then who am I to judge? Natasha is a very beautiful woman so I can't blame Wanda for finding her attractive.

Authors Note
Have a drink and
a snack please

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