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I think I've got the compound to myself because the common room is empty and there is no sign of life.

- Peter : Hello? Is anyone here?

- y/n : Hey Peter. I'm pretty sure most of them are on a mission. FRIDAY?

-FRIDAY : Agent's Romanoff and Hill are in the gym. All other Avengers are on a mission

- Peter : Oh, me and Pietro were supposed to build the big lego Millennium Falcon. Tony bought it for my birthday

- y/n : I don't mind helping you

- Peter : Are you sure?

- y/n : I've never watched Star Wars but I've built lego before

- Peter : Okay. Did you know Tony made a separate room for me to build lego in and store it? He tells everyone that it's just a storage room full of cleaning stuff when it's really filled with lego. Do you want to see?

- y/n : Sure

Lego is cool and if you think otherwise then you're not cool. This room that Tony has let Peter put all his lego in is really cool. There's a table in the middle to actually build on plus loads of shelves and cabinets to put the built lego on.

- Peter : Can I put some music on?

- y/n : Yeah, of course

- Peter : Alright. Can you sort the pieces into size and colour? I'm going to make room for the box in the cabinet

- y/n : Okay Pete

- Peter : Am I allowed to stay for dinner? Aunt May is out with some friends tonight and won't be back until like 9

- y/n : Yeah. What do you want to get?

- Peter : Probably pizza, unless you can think of something you want

- y/n : I don't mind. I'll eat whatever

- Peter : We should ask Natasha and Agent Hill

- y/n : She won't mind if you call her Maria

- Peter : How do you know? I don't want her to hate me

- y/n : She's my sister spidey. And she loves you, she told me that you're her favourite teenager

- Peter : She's your sister? I'm her favourite teenager? She runs the SHIELD summer school, she interacts with like 100 teenagers over summer and I'm her favourite?

- y/n : Yeah

I'm going to text Maria and ask her what her and Nat want to eat so that we can get ordering it. It's 5pm not so by the time we've ordered it and it arrives it'll be 6, 6.30pm.

Maria 🕺

me and peter are
ordering pizza for
dinner. you want
some? xx

Maria 🕺
Yes please. Pepperoni
for me and plain
margarita for Nat xx

okay xx

Maria 🕺
Where are you? I
need to talk to you
remember? xx

i'm helping pete
build some star wars
lego thing xx

Maria 🕺
Ok. We're in the
common room xx

I should probably go see Maria but I'm kind of having fun. I have no clue what we're building, not really, but it's fun just spending time with Peter.

- y/n : What pizza do you want?

- Peter : Hawaiian please

- y/n : Okay

- Peter : How much do I owe you?

- y/n : Don't worry about it kid. Pizza's on me

- Peter : Okay. Thank you

- y/n : No worries. I'm going to head out and see Maria and Nat, are you coming?

- Peter : Yeah. Let me just put the pieces we haven't used into pots

It's cute how much care and dedication Peter puts into his lego room.

- y/n : Hey

- Maria : I missed you today

- y/n : Er, okay? You feeling okay?

- Maria : Yeah. Am I not allowed to miss my sister?

- y/n : Is she okay?

- Natasha : She just need to talk to you

- y/n : Ah, right. Talk then Maria

- Maria : Let's talk after dinner, once Peter is gone

- Peter : Hello Agent Hill, Natasha

Well that's not reassuring. She's delaying talking to me. Whatever, dinner will be here soon so I should head towards the doors because otherwise the driver is going to be waiting a few minutes for me to get to the door.

- y/n : I'm going to head to the door

- Natasha : I'll come with you

- Peter : You're leaving us alone?

- y/n : Remember what I told you Peter. Plus, Maria has watched Star Wars

- Peter : You have?

- Maria : Yeah. I tried to get Y/n into it but it kind of failed

That means they'll have something to talk about while me and Natasha go to get this pizza's.

- Natasha : How was the shopping?

- y/n : Good, I found a dress for the party

- Natasha : That's good

- y/n : Yeah

Slightly awkward.

- Natasha : I was thinking maybe after Peter and Maria leave we could watch a movie

- y/n : Sure. What movie?

- Natasha : I don't mind. I would suggest a scary movie but you didn't seem to enjoy it the other night

- y/n : Yeah. How about Mamma Mia? It's my favourite

- Natasha : I've never seen it. We should watch it

- y/n : Okay. Cool, Peter said he should be leaving around 9. I'm going to drop him home so he's not walking in the dark

- Natasha : Okay. Where are we watching it?

- y/n : I don't mind. Your room?

- Natasha : Okay. What pizza did you get?

- y/n : Plain margarita. Sometimes a plain pizza is better then a pizza which has been overloaded

- Natasha : Maria teased me for asking for a plain pizza. Said it was boring

- y/n : Maria is an asshole sometimes. I love her, she's my sister, but she's a right asshole when she wants to be

- Natasha : You can say that again

Even though me and Natasha don't interact very often we get along very well. She's definitely one of my top three favourite people I met in the compound.

Authors Notes
Have a drink and
a snack please

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