Twenty Six

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A decent nights sleep, that's what I needed. After all that running and walking yesterday I needed to rest.

- Maria : Pancakes, your favourite

- y/n : My favourite is toast

- Maria : Okay well, pancakes, my favourite

- y/n : Thanks

- Maria : Nick is on his way. He wants to make sure you're okay

- y/n : You told them I was here

- Maria : Only Nick. Your phone has been buzzing none stop so I put it on the sofa so it wouldn't wake you up

I need to get dressed if Nick is coming over here. He does not need to see me in a sports bra and shorts, that's would be awkward.

- Maria : Nick is here. Come out when you're dressed

- Natasha : Is she in there?

- y/n : If that's Natasha then tell her to go away. I came here to get away from the team

- Natasha : I can hear you

- y/n : Then go away

- Natasha : Move

- Maria : No

- Natasha : Fine. I'll make you move. What is up with you? Is there a reason you were a complete bitch to me yesterday?

- y/n : Get out I'm getting changed

I've gotten changed with Natasha in the room before but I feel like right now isn't the time to be having a conversation without a top on.

- Natasha : I'm not getting out. This is the best you're getting

At least she's turned around

- y/n : What do you want?

- Natasha : Why did you say you hate me yesterday? I gave you time to figure out your feelings and then you say you hate me. If this is about what I said then pretend I never said it. I'd rather have you as a friend then lose you over something petty

- y/n : But it isn't petty. You told me that you thought you liked me, I gave myself two weeks like Wanda suggested to figure things out and then as I'm coming to tell you that I like you too I see CCTV footage of you and Bruce hugging and Steve asking where he's taking you on a date. So it's not petty, you were leading me on. My reaction is justified, I wasn't running away, I was staying with my sister to sort things out

- Natasha : I only accepted Bruce's invite to go on a date because you hadn't spoken to me. I thought that meant I'd made you uncomfortable so I was doing anything I could to show you that I was moving on so we could be friends

- y/n : So, you don't like Bruce?

- Natasha : I've had sex with him twice, about a year ago. You don't have to worry about Bruce

- y/n : But he thinks you like him

- Natasha : But I like you

So she's leading Bruce on? I'm so confused.

- Nick : Are you okay in there agents?

- Natasha : Yeah. Just talking

- Nick : Hurry it up and get out here

- y/n : Where does this leave us?

- Natasha : For now? Friends

- y/n : Hey Nick

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