Chapter 7

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Hazel's pov|

Kalisto Pendragon, a man with great powers. With great manipulative skills,he had been able to hold the authority over the noble society. Also,just as how every villain holds the most power in a story,he also has the strongest power. From physical strength to money,he has everything. Even an army of Knights that serves this kingdom under Kalisto's command. Though he is not the king,he lives as the King. Even the imperial Palace would not dare go against this man.

It would have been fair if this old Kalisto was a wrinkled old dude but contrary to his old age,he is still rocking looking fine as hell. Because of his divinity swords practices,his age doesn't show from his physical appearance. The only flaw in his face was the scar over his right eye,but in my eyes,it looks so hot.

Snap out of it,he is my uncle aka step dad!

This author must have a kink for villains or else why the hell did he make these villains handsome as hell?

"My precious daughter, what would you like to eat?", He asked as he carried me to his office in his arms.

He looks so happy despite killing a woman just now. He slashed that woman in one go and ordered his sons to put the body infront of that lady's family house to set an example.

I still feel my body trembling seeing Kalisto's eyes that time. They were glowing red like a monster who had just been unleashed.

"Your grace,wouldn't it cause a trouble to us later? She is a lady from a noble family?", I couldn't help but to ask this. I'm definitely not concerned over that lady who bullied me but still,I'm worried over my future in this world.

Will her family come to avenge her? This might be a step to villains' downpour. I almost had a control over the situation because Jungkook was willing to listen to me. But things are different with Kalisto. He doesn't listen. If you anger him,then you die.

"First of all....", he opened the door to his office and entered. "It's not 'your grace'. I'm your father now. Call me father"

I huffed in annoyance and looked away. It's not easy for me to call him 'father'! I had never called anyone 'father'. It feels strange.

"And you don't have to worry about a thing"

"But —"

he put me in his grand chair infront of the table and crouched down to my level. "But what? ",He looked straight into my eyes. "Hazel,you need to remember this. You have to always keep in your mind that you are the only lady in this house. The only lady of the Pendragon house,Hazel Pendragon. If anyone dares to disrespect the lady of the house,my daughter, that person shall pay with their life,got it?",..."Even if it means Imperial family members. We,Pendragons are the protectors of this Kingdom, thus we do not bow our heads down to anyone"

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