Season 3|Chapter 120

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In the hell,Orpheus was getting himself drunk to the point he could not properly walk on hid own. The upper robes were opened revealing his upper bare body as he lousily sat on the throne with a strong liquor. This type of liquor would kill a human but was enough to intoxicate a devil like him.

"So,what happened to the hell dogs I sent~?",He slurred as he asked from his servant.

The servant was on his knees infront of him with head bowed deeply in fear he would lose his head. "Her highness opened the heaven gates and let all the Pendragons out in order to help out —"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!",Orpheus laughed so hard cutting him off. "I knew she would come with a plan to help them. Tsk,my lady,you really know what to do huh?"

Orpheus held the liquor bottle above his own head before pouring all the liquid on his head and body. "It wasn't enough that you ordered me to stay in hell but you also want to stop me from intervening. Haaa,what should I do with you,my lady. I just.....hahaha ha.......want to incinerate this whole world right now. Will you finally only look at me if I did that? No right? Alright then,go ahead and finish it. After that,....",He laughed so hard in drunk. The obsession he has for her will only bring him insanity.


Helios,the sun God's sun,Cenise crown prince,was in battle with Gaara. The silver eyed Lucian son was really living upto his name. His vicious nature did a number on Helios but he was not going to back down. After all,he was a pure god unlike Gaara who only had one parent as a god.

Meanwhile on the top of a mountain,there was another battle going on. The battle of destiny,the final confrontation of the former best friends,Noah and Logan.

Logan and Noah stood infront of each other as their knights and devils were battling around them.

Logan smiled cheekily,"You came"

Noah,"....I did"

Logan pulled out his sword,"I was waiting for you Noah"

Noah also pulled out his sword,"...."

Logan,"Do you know why I never sparred with you?"


"Hahaha,you and me both know why Noah",With that his sword clashed with Noah's as he grinned madly.

" you said,we never sparred Logan. So, we never know what might be the final result",Noah attacked back.

The fight between them continued without going to a conversation. There was no need for that. They were enemies and enemies need no conversation in between a battle. The blades clashed creating cracks in their hearts.

Logan was going insane with all the excitement as he jumped high on Noah and Noah was pushed back as defended himself. Logan did not slow down and showed no hesitation in injuring Noah. But Noah was still holding himself against Logan,that was impressive of him compared to other knights who could never hold a candle to Logan.

But at the end,stronger will always get the win. Noah lost the grip on his sword as it flew away with one final attack from Logan. Now it was Logan's turn to end Noah's life just like the rules go. Enemy must be killed.

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