Season 2|chapter 84

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Five years have gone past. The kingdom is burning. It's a war zone. People are crying. People are dying. Children are lost. Hearts are failing.

"Where is my mommy?! Wahhh"

"Please save me!"

"W –Water please"

"Give back my child!!"

Hazel stood straight on the after battlefield with wide horrified eyes. Her knight uniform was half broken,blood had smeared everywhere. Her long black hair swayed with the night breeze mixed with ashes of fire. Death bodies were everywhere from child to adult.

Someone tugged at her boots taking her attention. When she looked down,it was a dying child. He looked at her with desperation,"M –My lady,please save my mother"

She looked at where he is pointing only to see a dead corps. Her eyes were already wide and had no ability to enlarge further. When she heard no sound from the child,she looked down only to see him dead.

Is this a dream? No this is the reality she met after five years. The attacks didn't stop. At first,it was only the two masked guys but later,an army of masked people started attacking. Though there were no hell dragons like the first time,the attackers were not to underestimate.

A hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality. With a gasp,she looked back to see Jimin. He had blood all over his face.

"No time to space out. We need to hurry back to the palace"

Hazel blinked,"What? But —"

Jimin,"Brother Hoseok,Jungkook and Taehyung will be here. We need to go back"

Hazel nodded without a word and went along with him. It took three days for them to reach the palace since the war zone was far away from the capital this time. Hazel didn't know what was so important that they had to leave just after the battle ended there.

They didn't even have time to rest or change,so they went straight to the throne room. The throne room was bustling with nobles like a public market.

Seokjin and Namjoon were infront of the King and crown prince with their heads hanging low.

Jimin and Hazel stood beside them and bowed the king.

"Greetings your majesty,Jimin Pendragon reports from the battlefield"

"Greetings your majesty,Hazel Pendragon reports from the battlefield"

The king had a cold expression,"How was the battle?"

Jimin,"It's hard to figure out if it is a win or lose. Both parties received a big damage and had to retreat"

"Look at how he speaks!! I thought Pendragons never lose!",A mocking voice came from the nobles.

"Isn't it their fault to begin with that this war is happening?! If they didn't go and offend hell,this would have never happened!"

"Do you have any solution now?! This is all your fault!! A five year war and still haven't won!"

Hazel gritted her teeth as she eyed the people who spoke nonsense. Her blood was boiling and paining to kill them. But Namjoon held her wrist and shook his head.

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