Season 2|chapter 89

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"Aww what's wrong with you all? Come on! Come and arrest me",Hazel mocked and laughed.

Eva gritted her teeth,"Hazel! Why are you doing this?"

Hazel made a confused face. "Doing what? You know,I've done so many things that I can't even remember now. Starting a war? Murdering people? Murdering my grandpa?"

"...what",Seokjin whispered,his feet going cold at the revelation.

Hazel let out a fake gasp,"Oops. It slipped"

Namjoon,"Y –You killed him?"

Hazel smiled cheekily,"I guess I did"

No Pendragon could move. They were rooted to the ground like some invisible shackles were restraining them from moving. Their minds had gone numb and they couldn't think anymore.

Eva looked at Logan who was keeping his blade against the shocked Noah. "You too?! Why?! Just why?!You are one of the most loyal knights! Just what happened?!"

Hazel smirked evily as she took a seat on top of the table. She tilted her hear and spoke sweetly,"Logan,come here"

Logan smiled and lowered his sword before walking over to Hazel. He knelt infront of her and kissed her hand before looking up at her with eyes filled with loyalty and admiration. "Master"

It wasn't 'my lady' but 'master'. A clear declaration of power Hazel has over Logan.

Hazel smiled,"Where does your loyalty lie?"

Logan,"Of course with you master"


It was his father who was present at the court as a representative of his house. Logan let out a crazy smile with wide eyes as he heard his father's voice. He turned his towards his father who was staring at him with wide unbelievable eyes. Logan slowly put his head on Hazel's lap and stuck out his tongue at his father.

Hazel casually put her hand on his head and smirked. "You wanted your son to marry me,right? Sir Harris? Aren't you happy now? He wrote his life to me"

The door of the court room was again burst opened revealing Dylan. He had a furious face looking at the things infront of him.

"Prince Dylan!",The other people present at the court started having some hope thinking he could help them out.

Leo was also startled seeing him. Wait a minute,isn't he in love with Hazel? So why does he look furious? Does he have no idea what she is doing? In that case,what will he do?

"What the fuck!",Dylan cursed as he walked closer to Hazel. "Why did this happen when I was not around?! You could have gotten hurt!"


He is not here to help anyone.

Dylan stood behind Hazel and took her wrist before kissing it. "Sorry I'm late"

Logan moved away but stood beside Hazel.

"Prince Dylan! You are helping this traitor too?!",one of the jury member yelled. "You are an imperial Prince! How could you?!"

Dylan gave him a bored look,"Who? Me?imperial Prince? Pff!",he chuckled before shifting himself to his demon form. His horns and wings were on full display with his green eyes. "Kneel down and respect,you are in the presence of the hell King Orpheus and his queen Nabi Pendragon"

Nabi Pendragon. She is not Hazel anymore.

Taehyung hissed as a headache hit him. He clutched his head when a blurry memory clashed his mind.

Nabi saw this and smiled coldly,"Looks like your memory is returning. Sorry Taehyung. I had to take a bit of your memory otherwise you'd have ruined my plans. You are too smart for your own good"

"Where is Hazel? You are not our sister right?",Namjoon asked still having some hope. "We don't know anyone with the name Nabi. Where is Hazel?"

Nabi stood up from the table and turned to look at him. "There is indeed someone named Hazel. But brother,I've been your sister all this time with the name Hazel. But my real name is not Hazel"

Nabi looked at everyone. They were all too shocked to react. Her brothers look too broken to even say a word at this point. The pain in their eyes,she felt it. They must be in extreme pain because of her betrayal.

Even Luca was silent. He couldn't even curse. In one hand,his sister's blade was against his neck while on the other hand his cousin,his best friend had become the enemy of the kingdom.

Nabi decided it is time to leave.

She walked towards Orpheus and gave a small nod. In the next second,he wrapped his hand around her waist before disappearing into thin air.

Logan,Nakamura,Lucy and Julia also disappeared.


See you soon with Season 3!!

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Hope you enjoyed

See ya soon

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