Season 2|chapter 58

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Hazel stared at the grinning youth as if to make sure she is not seeing wrong. The man had changed over the last 4 years just like how she had changed physically. He had grown even taller with a built body and strong arms with veins.

When Hazel didn't speak,Dylan's smile slowly faltered. He looked at her crimson eyes as if to find what she is thinking but couldn't comprehend her emotions. He wanted to speak but couldn't when he felt himself going into a trance. And that's when it hit him,Hazel has changed. She is a woman now. Not a 14 years old teenage girl with a lousy attitude.

"So,you were waiting huh?",He found himself saying at the end.

"You told me to wait",Hazel replied softly.

Dylan was the first to break the eye contact feeling something burning in his chest. He still felt that strange emotion even after 4 years and he didn't know what to do with himself now.

Hazel snapped back to reality and frowned feeling confused. She was staring at him as if she was longing but what the fuck? She didn't understand why would she feel such a thing for this man. Was it because now that her body had grown,the adult hormones are taking over her? However,she didn't have time to ponder about her inner desires right now.

She immediately pulled Dylan into her room and closed the balcony door. Now that she thinks about it,shouldn't she be angry? She had waited for him 4 fucking years.

She forcefully sat the raven on her bed and stood infront of him with her arms crossed over her chest.

Dylan's eyes lingered over her full bosoms before looking away clearing his throat. "God,have mercy on me",he mumbled to himself.

"If I remembered correctly,you Saif it would only take 3 years? How many years had passed now?"

Dylan smiled nervously as he raised his palm in surrender,"Alright alright,you can't expect me to come back right after exactly 3 years right?"

"Why not?"

"Oh come on! Cut some slack for me! Will you?"

Hazel rolled her eyes,"3 years mean 3 years! "

Dylan smirked as leaned backwards keeping his palms on the bed either side of his bed,"Oh don't tell me you missed me that much?"

Hazel's eyes went wide with pink cheeks and scoffed loudly,looking away to hide her face,"Don't be ridiculous! Who missed who?!"

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