Season 2|chapter 87

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"Luca,why don't you go and rest for the day?"

Luca looked at the girl who just came to take his shift. She was in the winter camp few years ago and he totally forgot her name until recently. She is Isabella and had a good impression on Luca's memory.

"It's fine",Luca grumbled as he stood at the border of their war zone area. The forest was still dark and dangerous. He felt too scared to take a rest thinking about any upcoming attack.

"You should go and rest Luca. Oh,Jaykar also has come to the camp. Isn't he one of your close friends?"

This perked up his interest. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

Isabella shrugged her shoulders,"How do I know? He isn't a battle knight right?"

"The fuck is wrong with that airhead? I'm going to kick his ass today",he grumbled loudly before leaving.

"Thought he didn't want to leave",Isabella mumbled with a chuckle and took her shift to keep an eye on the surrounding.


uca stomped towards the camp with a grumpy as hell look. When his eyes landed on the person he had been searching for,he cursed out loud,"Who the fuck brought you here damnit!"

Jaykar who was next to the fire,flinched badly hearing the oh so familiar yelling voice. Hazel was next to him and she gave a bored look to Luca.

Jaykar stammered with a little wave,"H–Hey Luca"

Hazel,"What's up your ass brat? Stop yelling"

Luca stomped towards them ,"Who brought him here?!"

Hazel,"I did?"

Luca wanted to smack her head hard,"Are you fucking out of your mind shitbabe! This is a fucking war zone! And he is not even a battle knight!"

"Geez,calm your ass down. He brought some emergency news related to his mission. Anti Pendragon shit related things,you know",Hazel mumbled making sure no one other than Luca heard her.

Luca made a poker face,"But this is still dangerous. We don't know when the fuck would those hell dogs attack. If a battle were to start,it would last atleast for a week"

It's true that the place they were guarding is the most dangerous place. It's become an unspoken rule between the opposite parties of the war to battle in this particular area. The hell people didn't look like they wanted to take over the capital yet. They were simply tormenting the kingdom by bringing forth their strength. No one really understands what the hell wants.

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