Season 3|Chapter 105

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Just before Taehyung's spiritual beam hit Nabi's belly,Orpheus stood infront of Nabi with a murderous expression.

This meddling didn't stop Taehyung as he grinned before trying to murder him with his mana blasts. He definitely knew that both Dylan and Nabi had gone weak after the battle but he didn't hold back against the devil.

But he couldn't go for another attack when a sudden smack landed on his cheek. Looking at his side,he saw Jackson looking at him with a pissed off look.

"You piece of garbage,that's your nephew you are trying to kill", Jackson deadpanned.

Taehyung snickered,"I fucking know. The bastard in her belly,don't you know what's it doing to her?!"

Orpheus,"Mind your tongue Taehyung Pendragon"

Taehyung looked at him blankly,"What,what are you going to do?",He chuckled humourlessly. "You very well must know what that bastard doing to her body! With the curse activated,it's slowly sucking her life to keep itself alive inside her! Otherwise it will die,it knows it too"

Jackson,"It's just a fetus Taehyung. It doesn't know shit! It's only the survival instincts of a living creature. Don't take your anger on an innocent child"

Taehyung looked at Nabi,"Kill it"


Taehyung,"If you can't do it,I can do it for you"

Nabi,"If you do that,you will never see me again. And I mean it Taehyung"

Taehyung was in turmoil. The fetus was killing his sister. No,he is wrong. He knows it. His sister was already dying even before she was impregnated. It's just that the fetus was an additional factor for her death. But he needed something to blame everything on.

"Say,who is going to raise it?",Taehyung asked after calming himself down. A mocking laughter left his lips,"You are not going to raise a human baby in hell,are you? Heh,it would be good as dead if you are going to take it to hell"

"You are such a trash","Jackson mumbled caressing his forehead.

Taehyung didn't seem to care being called a trash. "If you are thinking we would be raising the baby for you,then you can forget it. No one would welcome that bastard to our family"

Orpheus' eyes darkened as he listened to his insults. "Can I kill him?",He asked Nabi.


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