Season 3|Chapter 122

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Helios held Gaara's cut off head in one hand as he looked at his sister Lyana. "Where is Ashen?"

Lyana looked at towards the forest,"A while ago,a mountain got destroyed. I'm betting he is there"

"You think he can pull this off without losing his life? I mean,he is facing the god of the three realms",Helios still had doubts like any normal person would. A mortal against a god?

Yet Lyana smiled calmly,"He is not alone. The only people who could stop a god,are the guardians of this land"

She trusted Ashen. If he said he could do it,then he would.

Just as if the timing of her words matched,a blast went off freezing everyone on the spot. The battle came to a halt as everyone looked at where they blast went off. Not a second past,a figure flew up in a high speed and landed right in the middle of the battle ground,cracking the ground up.

The god of the three realms,Nabi Pendragon herself was there. Eight more Pendragons teleported themselves surrounding her.

The real battle starts right now.

The hell devils slowly retreated and the knights had no choice but back away slowly. The Pendragons from heaven too backed off. The battle was not theirs now.

The Pendragons hardened their hearts. Killed their emotions. Time has come. Taehyung raised his palms filling them with mana. Those were the hands he once used to burn a mansion whose owner insulted Nabi. Now,he is raising them again but this time....he is going to kill Nabi himself.

Jungkook raised his sword with literally no emotion in his blood red eyes. He is not thinking. Nothing goes through his head right now. He forced his snapped state to forget about Nabi. A trance state where only his Pendragon instincts took place.

Jimin,the person who was the last person to accept Nabi as a child and also the last person to accept the fact he has to kill Nabi. Until the end,he hesitated. Even after seeing Yoongi's death,he hesitated. But his motherfuckers of brothers went ahead and got themselves in trouble so he had to come here. Even now,he would not raise his sword with the intention of killing her.

Hoseok was also hesitant when the real situation came to the light. He was rather selfish here. He did not have kids. And he could care less about the kingdom. So,he had no reason to join this fight. But the fact that Nabi suffered nine life times brought him to this position. He'd rather kill her than letting her suffer anymore.

Yoongi,the man was ready to die for Nabi since the moment he first met Nabi in the forest. And he died. But his sister's love for him was rather a big deal that she refused to let him die. Jackson brought him back from his death bed. He had to do it even if he had to die.

Namjoon was the first person to accept Nabi when she was a child. And the first person to accept the fate of killing her. Love was all he had for her. Love was the reason he had to let her go. To end her suffering,he knew he had to do it. All because he loved her.

Seokjin,the man who secretly used Yoongi's beasts to kill bitches who badmouthed Nabi. The man who abducted bastards and pulled out their tongues and eyes just because they had bad intentions towards his little sister.

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