chapter 42

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"Alright kiddos,for today's activity,we prepared an obstacle race through the hunting forest",Logan announced as he clapped his hands to gather the juniors.

It's been few days since Hazel snapped became of Yoongi and she has been getting control of her own emotions with the help of Hoseok and Yoongi. And fortunately she did not cross her paths with Eva until now.

"Let me explain what's going to happen",Noah came forward knowing very well Logan sucks at explaining. "We are going to group you as duos and will hand cuff you guys to your partner. There's a flag hidden inside the forest and you have to find it before other teams and bring it back. It doesn't matter if you found it first but you need to keep it safe with you too. The one who brings it to us first will be the winner. You guys aren't allow to use swords but you are allowed to fight. This will test your fighting skills too and at the same time the ability to work with someone"

"You guys don't need to trouble yourself with finding a partner, we already paired you guys",Julia jumped in cheerfully. As usual she was sticking with Ethan.

Lucy awkwardly came forward with a scroll in her hands. It seems like she hated the idea of standing infront of so many people. Jake and Aiden,two senior knights from back cheered her up shouting some encouraging words.

Aiden,"Think of them as animals Lucy!"

Jake,"You can do it!"

Lucy wanted to dig a grave and hid from embarrassment. Those annoying punks were trying so hard to help her with her social anxiety but it wasn't helping her at all.

"I'll announce the pairs of trainees",she said timidly. "First,Nakamura and Jaykar"

Nakamura looked at Jaykar who was far behind everyone. Jaykar was dumbfounded and pale hearing that he was paired up with one of the top dogs in the training camp. When he met Nakamura's eyes,he felt scared but the said male only gave a respectful bow to him. And it made him slightly sigh in relief but it doesn't change the fact that he is going to burden Nakamura on this game.

"Luca and his highness Leo",Lucy continued.

Luca and Leo were startled with the unexpected pairing and looked at each other in disgust. Luca couldn't take it,he absolutely hated pairing with Leo,"No fucking way! I'd rather play alone!"

Ethan,"No can do. This is a game for paired knights"

"Then give me someone else!",Luca stomped on the ground feeling extremely annoyed.

Leo,"I'd like to request another person too"

Logan,"How adorable but no. You need to learn suck it up and work together. We already know you two aren't in good terms and that's why paired you two. Learn to work with people you don't like"

Hazel who was next to Luca,had a bad feeling. Her gut feeling was telling her that her partner is already looking at her as if she already got the message.

Lucy,"Next pair is Eva and ....Hazel"

Hazel knew it. She wasn't surprised seeing how Luca got paired up with the Prince. And now these fascinating pairs got the attention of everyone. Jaykar and Nakamura the strongest and weakest,Luca and Leo the mortal enemies,Eva and Hazel the never get along rivals. It was hard to predict who will win this game today since all the topdogs are in a hard situation with their paired partners.

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