Season 2|chapter 65

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"Papa,I know you turned back time"

The moment Kalisto heard those words from Hazel 4 years ago,he was surprised. Though he knew she might know something since she was transmigratted to this world,he didn't expect her to know what he did. He waited few minutes with his mouth slightly opened.

Hazel didn't change her gaze as she stared directly into his eyes. He finally sighed and removed his working specks. "Was it Dylan?"

"Yes and no. Even if he didn't say anything,I'd still have found out"

Kalisto narrowed his eyes and looked at the closed door of his office. She had locked it,meaning she has come prepared to talk directly. "Hazel...."

"And I know what happened in your past life,papa",Her eyes softened. "You must have suffered a lot"

Kalisto widened his eyes,"Hazel, —I mean —"

"Nabi",Hazel cut him off. "Even though you intended to bring back my sister,it happened to be me. I know I can't replace her but papa.....can you call me by my real name? Just for once? "

Kalisto stood up immediately with a panicked face and walked around the table to reach her. He pulled Hazel No,Nabi to his embrace. "What are you saying? If I knew there was you,I'd have tried to bring both of you back. I'd have done anything to bring you back home. Nabi,my sweet little girl,you are my daughter. Don't think I replaced you for someone else. This father loves you"

Hazel hugged him back hiding her face on his chest. She stayed silent hiding herself in her father's embrace. A place she found to hide her vulnerable state. A warm embrace she'd do anything to protect. "Papa"

"Yes Nabi"

"You should stop now"

Kalisto went stiff. "What –What do you mean?"

Hazel detached herself from him and looked at him in the eye and smiled sadly,"Stop suffering. Just stop. You don't have to do this anymore"

Kalisto had a bewildered expression,pale and tensed.

Hazel,"You can rest now"

Kalisto didn't know why but he had chills all over his body. He just had a little hunch over what she means and that is what scares him. " What do you plan on doing?"

Hazel,"Something only I can do"

"You went to meet grandpa. Does it have something to do with what you plan?"

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