Season 2|chapter 83

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A figure in black robes from head to toe jumped down from a horse and looked around the dark streets of the night. After making sure no one was following him,he entered the brothel and met the bartender who was cleaning the tables. The mysterious figure showed him a jade pendant.

The bartender gave a slight nod and lead him towards upstairs. When they reached a door far corner of the floor,the bartender knocked on the door before muttering,"The guest is here"

The door was slightly opened and a man covering half of his face with a black cloth appeared. He checked the jade pendant before letting the mysterious figure enter.

The door was closed immediately after he entered.

"Remove the robe. And we need to check you before letting you meet him",said the man who opened the door.

The mysterious man removed the cloak revealing his golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. The crown prince of the kingdom. He let the man check his body showing no harm.

Leo,"Is he here?"

"He is"

Leo nodded and followed the man when he leaded him in. A green veil separated them from someone else in the room. The person on the other side remained motionless and Leo could see a black devil mask on his face.

"Master,the crown prince is here"

The masked figure nodded and signalled Leo to take a seat. It looks like Leo wouldn't be able to go near him. He just has to sit infront of the veil keeping his distance.

"So you are....the dark emerald?",Leo asked cautiously.

"You requested to meet me. So how can I possibly disrespect the future sun of the kingdom by sending a fake?"

Leo squinted his eyes. The voice was deep and soothing. It's been few days since the attack happened. Ever since then he had been busy dealing with the outcomes and had no time. He had requested to meet the leader of the anti Pendragon organisation a long time ago but he only received the invitation few weeks ago. So,as soon as he found time,he came to meet him.

"You wanted to meet me. But you are silent now. Your highness,do you really have that much time to waste on me?",emerald asked bringing Leo back to reality.

Leo straightened his posture and decided to go straight to the point. "The last attack,were you behind it?"

Emerald tilted his head,"....I'm sure you know the answer. People don't raise hell dragons as pets you know"

It's true. It was definitely an attack from hell.

"But do you have any connection to it?"

Emerald chuckled,"Your highness,I know my organisation has become an information guild but it seems like rather than seeking information,you are trying to frame me"


Emerald placed his elbow on the table infront of him and placed his chin on his palm. "....Alright. So brave to come here and throw accusations. I'll let it slide since you are the crown prince. Hmmm...for the answer to your I have no connection"

Leo frowned,"How can I believe you?"

Emerald tapped the table with his other hand fingers and waited patiently. "Do you want me to prove?"

Leo stayed silent.

Emerald,"I can prove myself but the real question is.....why should I?"


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