Chapter 17

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Hazel's pov|

"Going out?..... with you?", I looked at this crazy bastard in disbelief, "You must really be having a death wish,huh?"

For real,he must be out of his head! My family will kill him on the spot if I were to be missing because of him.

Dylan smiled as he looked at me with confidence. "So,what is your answer?"

He is really crazy! I must be careful around him. He is even more dangerous than Leo. This ridiculous prince of the kingdom who everyone underestimate is the low–key  villain in this world of novel. Even Leo found him to be hard to control but once he found Dylan's weakness, he managed to put a leash around Dylan's neck. But hey,I am the ultimate outsider who knows every everything! And I already know how to tame this man. But for that,I need to get closer to him.

And I don't think he is stupid enough to kidnap and kill me somewhere hidden. Though he is crazy,he is not stupid. For now,let's see his motives.

"How will you handle the consequences? Once I'm gone from their sight for ten minutes, they will surely raise the flag of the war"

Dylan,"So,you are in? Then let me show you a little trick", he snapped his fingers and in a second, a clone of me was next to me,looking exactly like me.
Woah,this dude is full of surprises as I expected.

"You think this clone can trick my family? And did you forget that we have a mage?"

Dylan smirked, "He will never see through my magic"

"Confident much?"


What is this? Taehyung is definitely stronger than this dude. It was crystal clear when I read the novel. There was simply no match for Taehyung. And I've noticed this,Dylan seemed a bit excited unlike how he was described in the novel. In the novel,he avoided people as much as he could and pretended to be an insane brat who does nothing but drink.

And he is not the only person who is different from the original novel,the crown prince too. He is supposed to be in love with Eva. At this age,his love should have just started. Then why the hell is he still after me? Maybe because I changed a lot of scenes that it caused a big impact on these characters?

"Zoning out? It's too early to zone out,we haven't even made it outside yet"

I snapped out and looked at him before sighing. Alright, let's give a try. "Alright then"

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