Chapter 33

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The top number three knight, Ethan Black,one of the members of richest Dukedoms. His jet black hair and huge physique was the art of men. Cool headed and hot blooded young man of the hearts of women. They say he is colder than the winter mountains and hotter than the hell fire. It was still a mystery how he is number three and not one. But it is an open secret to everyone that he is working hard to beat Logan the top knight. And his mentor from the Pendragon family was no different than him,the cold blooded Yoongi Pendragon. Yoongi himself chose Ethan as his disciple after seeing his performance as a trainee knight two years ago.

Ethan watched the younger trainees going inside the hunting forest after the first camp activity. They still have to provide their own food. He walked towards a river area and sat under a tree,closing his eyes.

"Hey!where were you?! I've been —oh you were sleeping?", It was Julia Smith,one of the top ten knights. This girl had been clinging onto him ever since they met at a family gathering three years ago. He really hated having her near him. The silence he craves will vanish as soon as she pops up.

"Tsk,what do you want?", He asked in an annoyed tone.

Julia smiled widely, "Sorry,didn't want to disturb you but you gotta have your dinner. And don't stay here too long,it's going to be dark soon"

"I'm not hungry. Go away", Ethan closed his eyes again.

Julia pouted,"Oh come on! You will fall a sick if you keep skipping meals!Look! I hunted a reindeer! I can cook it well for you!"

Ethan sighed opening his eyes again,"You know,you don't have to do those things. Stop trying to take care of me"

Julia's face dropped slightly, "B –But I'm your friend"

Ethan,"Don't act like my friend when you have other ulterior motives"

"But I'm not acting Ethan. I really do like you!"

Ethan stood up startling Julia. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he looked down at her with his frosty face. It was as he is despising her too much to the point he'd rather die than being her friend. He turned around leaving her alone.

Ethan slightly looked back to see Julia sitting on the ground with a sad look. She looks like she is about to cry but he knew she wouldn't actually cry. He heaved a tired sigh stroking his forehead and turned around walking back to Julia. He extended his hand,"Get up. I'm hungry,let's go"

Julia's face lit up immediately. Her whole face brightened as a sunshine. Without thinking twice,she took his hand and stood up, almost stumbling on Ethan but he managed to steady her down. Ethan turned around and walked silently with his cold rigid face while Julia followed him with a bright smile. She knows that he is not a bad person as he shows to everyone.

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