Be My Valentine (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Intro: Hi I guess this is a little weird introducing myself but I'm allison and I really hope you enjoy. (FYI this is my first fan fic so please any constructive critism you might have to make the story better that would be great):-) B-)


I never thout I could feel this in love but anything is possible. it all started two year


"Are you ever going to get up", my best friend Taylor yelled at me. Finally she felt the way I felt. Getting up and no one else bein awake... Not to mention bored out of your mind. Taylor was alwys able to sleep in later than I have and it was annoying. Most of the time if she wasn't up by noon I would wake her up. "When I feel like it", I replied super annoyed I finally found enough strength to turn my head and look at my clock. 12:00. I couldn't really be mad her for waiting as long as I do.

When I got down stairs I smelled food.. Wow I'm suprised Taylor didn't burn down the house cooking. definetly wouldn't be the first time. "Hello you hobo. Good Morning," she said very perkyly. " Jeez somebodys happy this morning. What did you make for breakfast." " I didn't I got mcdonalds." That explains why the house isn't in ashes.

Me and taylor were closer than any two people you could ever meet. After we graduated highschool we bought a house together. I we both hadn't had boyfriends I sware people thought we were lesbos. Neither of us have boyfriends now. You know guys are d-bags. "Hey do you want to go shopping today?" I ask. "Sure why not. Hey do you remember that Josh guy I used to date. Ya we'll he keeps texting me And says he wants to get back together. I think he might be stalking me so make sure your curtains are closed and don't get undressed in front of the window", taylor says. man that guy was a creep. I know she was kidding but I twouldn't. suprise me if he was stalking her. That dude had serious issues.

I went upstairs to get ready. I wore a some skinny jeans, a blue tank, and a leather jacket. The jacket gave the outfit that dangerous vibe. I slipped on my converse boots and yelled at taylor to hury up. " Taylor... Sometime TODAY please". Just as I fiished the sentense I saw Taylor comming down the stairs two at a time. " How do I look? I know fabulous", she answered the question herself as she normaly did.

When we got to the mall The first place we went was RUE 21. I always loved that store. After about 2 hout hours of shopping

I had found two cute outfits- a tank top with sequence which was light pink at the top and got darker as it went down a black leather jacket to go over it and some skinny jeans with a really cute design on the pocket. I never was good at finding something I really like because I know that if I don't like it in the store than I'm going to hate it at home. Taylor was skinnier than me so she looked better in most clothes than I did. I mean I'm not fat but... curvy.

So when we got home we decided to watch some movies. the movie we chose was....... the hangover. That movie was hilarious and bradly cooper was hot. When we got to the part where the guy jumps out of the car naked I was interupted by the buz of my phone. the message read : Allison we really need to talk- unknown number. well whoever this was they had my number and they know my name. I did as I always did and asked taylor if she knew the number. And of course she didn't . well that definetly different. Not many new people text me. maybe that because I'm frikkin borin but that's besides the point. I spent like five minutes debating on wether to call them or not and I decided to call them.


Ring ....



"Allison," the strangly famililar voice asked

"ya who is this".

"It's your dad. before you hang up just let me explain", the butthole on the other ends of the phome pleaded.

trying to keep the tears from spilling I practically yelled "You really have the nerve to call after all the years. 10 I believe. And now out of the blue you decide to call. If you actually think I'm just gonna change my mind think again!!!!!!" I screamed hung up and tthrew my phone at the wall. By that time I was crying my eyes out. Taylor came to see what the ooud thu was as my phone hit the wall. She walked in and saw me sobbing. I wasn't even that sad. More like infuriated. Taylor most likely guessed what was the matter. She knew the whole story. Every detail. And now your probably wanting to know like she does. Well My dad he's a selfish jerk. When I was 3 my dad walked out on our family. I wasn't to broken up about that. After the devorce Me and my sister Bethany were supposed to see him every other weekend. For a while every thing was going fine the weekend visits were normal. every once and a while he would come up with these lame excuses to cancel the visit. At first it wan't that regular but by the time I was 7 my sister and I were used to it. even after it strted getting more and more regular we got used to it. The excuses were lame because we were young and gulable. he took advantage of our vaulnerability. But after we started to notice that He came up with different excuses, lies. But by that time Bethany and I knew better to believe tthem. When I was 11 it really started to bother me. I would cry myself to sleep knowing that he wasn't going to be there for me. And even wake up in the morning wondering when he was going to call if ever. I know im pathetic. throwing myself a pity party but it hurts. And sometimes its nice to let the tears out so at any random moment they won't spill and make me look like a complete wuss. Well enough about me on with the story.....


I really hoped you liked the first chapter. This my first story I've written so go easy on the hate. Just let me know what I can do to make it better. And that goes for the whole book.

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