Im back

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IM BACK!!!!!!!! Yay I had the best time in St Louis. We went so many cool places and it was just so fun. I shared a room with Keneisha Taylor and Holly one of my other friends. There were only two beds so I had to share with Keneisha.....,,.. Never share a bed with Keneisha. So I got up once in the night and when I came back to the bed she had rolled over in my spot. I shoved her as hard as I could than when I laud down she rolled on top of me. And she took all the blankets.... That wiener head.

I just found out.... And my heart goes out to those lost in the attack at the Boston marathon today. For those of you who don't know about this the police are looking at it like a terrorist attack. 2 people died 23 injured.

Back to business



One week later........

"ring ring". "I'll get it", I yelled to Taylor Harry and Niall. Since that night we had basically lived together waiting for the call. I ran to the phone and answered it, " Hello", I said hoping it was the vet. "Allison?", a familiar voice said on the other end. "Mom?!?" "omg hi honey. I missed you so much", the second Taylor figured out it was my mom she came running an grabbed the phone out of my hands. "Hihihihihihi", Taylor shouted through the phone. "Is that Taylor?" mom asked. "Yea mom she said hi... If you hadn't heard", I said chuckling. By this time I had turned around to see Niall with a strange expression on his face. I knew I should probably tell my mom about him. " Hey mom I need to tell you something", I said kinda nervous. I'd never been very good at telling my mom about boys. Maybe that was because I knew she wouldn't be to happy that I had a boyfriend, because I was the 'baby' she didn't want me to grow up. "Sure anything honey". "I met this guy... And were dating.... I really love him mom", I finished. By than my confidence had risen and I had decided that I really didn't care whether she approved or not. She didn't answer for awhile then finally I heard her approve," That's great!!! I'm so happy for you". Well that definitely surprised me. After I got over the shock we conversed a little and then hung up.

After finishing on the phone I plopped my butt onto the squishy couch. Not more than 2 seconds later the phone rang..... Again. "Niall will you get it", I asked not wanting to get up. He nodded and walked to the phone,"Hello...... Ok........ Thank you sir," he hung up the phone and put on his sweatshirt. "LOTI can come home", he said through a huge grin. I jumped up and grabbed one of Niall's hoodies and slipped it on. I would've gotten my own but it was all the way up stairs and I was excited. His hoodie was pretty baggy on me but I liked it that way.

The car was very full because Taylor an Harry and Zayn and Hanna had all come with us. I couldn't stop smiling and Niall must have noticed it because he started smiling too. I slipped my hand into his. "I love you", I said quiet enough none of the others could hear. "I love you more than anything in the world", he said back at the same volume. We were so cheesy. In the movies how they're so madly in love and your like that's never going to happen, but it does.

When we got the vet me and Niall raced inside..... I beat him.... As usual. We walked hand in hand to the front desk. " We're here to pick up our dog. He was brought in for a gash in his side", I explained we did some paper work than waited for Loti to come out of the back room. "Niall.... Guess what", I said noticing something. "What", he responded. "We're starting a family", I said. He thought about it for awhile then he said," ya.... Ya we are".bad he said this a smile creeped onto his face. He leaned closer for a second and I thought he was gunna kiss me but he whispered, "I love you", then kissed me. The moment was perfect.... Until the doctor interrupted us but for a good reason. "Here he is. He's healing perfectly just take it easy with him for a couple weeks then he'll be back to normal", he said. I slowly walked over to the man still hold Nialls hand. I reached out to the leash in his hand. The doc lead us to the back room where they held the injured animals. The first thing I saw was my Loti. I had always had a weak spot for animals so sorry if I seem obsessed. We hooked Loti to the leash and walked him out to the others.

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