The Decision

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"Allison your not perfect and I don't need you to be. All I want is you to be mine..... Will you marry me?" I swear I'm imagining this. I loved Niall with all my life. Of course I wanted to marry him... But I'm 16 did I really want to get married. "Niall I'm 16," I said my voice quavering. "That's my point Allison. Were young we have our whole lives to do daring things crazy, stupid things and we can do them together. Your my world and I want you to be by my side every step of our future. Together til the end. We can do anything, travel around the world, preform in front of thousands of people, buy a house on the beach in the florida keys.... Anything," as I thought about this my eyes traveled to the ground only to have him raise my chin with his finger. My eyes were locked with his beautiful blue ones. "So what do you say. Do you want to take on the world together", he said as a smile crept onto his face. The more time I took to decide the more the worry grew into his eyes. "YES YOU FREAK I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed jumping into his arms. He was holding me hugging. I'm sure we looked like freaks but who cares. I'm getting married to Niall Horan. Right now I'm pretty sure I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

After hugging for about 3 minutes straight I pulled my head back enough to smash my lips into his. He pulled away long enough for him to walk over to the side of the gazebo and hit stop on a video camera I didn't even know was there. "Was that recording the whole time", I asked. "Yep I know you don't like being 'documented' as you put it, but I wanted the moment to be perfect and I never want to forget it. Plus if we ever have kids we can show them how in love we are". "Well you just thought of everything didn't you", I said smiling not even caring I'd been recorded.

We made out for another ten minutes then headed back to the car. I was on his back as I usually was. On his back I had time to examine my ring. It was perfect. It wasn't like anything I'd ver seen before. It had a scene on it that was a night sky full of stars (stars were diamonds) and one shooting star across all of them. He had explained it to me. "That night out in the treehouse I saw a shooting star. My wish was that you would be with me forever. And this ring shows that my wish came true", he'd said looking me straight in the eyes the whole time. Now whenever I look at the ring it takes me back to that night. The first time we said we loved each other.

As the car came in sight I slid off Nialls back. He walked me to my side and opened the door for me. Once he sat down he turned on the car. "Lets just stay here tonight. Sleep out on the dock. I brought blankets", he said. "Ok".

"So let's play the truth game", I suggested as we lay on the dock staring up at the sky. "I'll go first", he volunteered. "Who's your favorite out of the boys.... Besides me", he said putting on an evil grin. "Hmmmm I think it's gotta be Louis. Same question to you", I said. "Hanna she's just as much of a freak as me", he said as if thinking about the freak he mentioned. "Although Taylor is also pretty freaky. And Keneisha she's just frikking scary", he said jokingly. I laughed. We continued the game all through the night in each others arms.

I woke up to something warm slide down my arm. I forced my eyes open only to see Niall drooling all over my arm. Ew. I pulled on the top of his ear so hard his head came off my arm. This woke him up. If looks could kill I'd be dead the buried at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. "You were drooling all over my arm!" I said. He was too tired to do anything else so he just pulled me closer and closed his eyes. "Niall don't go back to sleep I need to get home", I said remembering last night and thinking about how long it would take to explain the whole thing to the girls. "Ughhhhhh" he groaned pulling himself off the ground and offering me a hand. "Guess what.... Your my fiancé", he reminded me like I forgot. "I know. And guess what", I said. "What". "I'm in love with you", I stated.

On the way home we sang to the radio sounding really good together. When we pulled up to my house I was disappointed that I had to leave. "Bye I love you", I leaned in and kissed him. "Goodbye soon to be Mrs.Horan", he whispered and kissed me again his lips soft on mine. "Love you". I shut the door and he drove off. On the way towards the door I started thinking about what I was going to say to the girls. "Where have you been!?!" Taylor scared the crap out of me by opening the door when I wasn't expecting it. " With Niall", I said smiling. "You look way happy... What happened.... Did you use protection?" she asked. "We didn't 'do' anything", I said as I stepped past her to say hi to the other girls. "Hey guys", I said. "Hi we missed you . We haven't had a girls night in a long time. Tonight is the night that it's just us girls and maybe a few other people", Keneisha said quickly. I hadn't noticed I had my hand in the pocket of Nialls hoodie. "Ok but first I need to tell you something",I said as I walked in to sit down on the couch. "Okay what is it", they all said. I motioned for them to sit down around me. "Last night, as you all know I had dinner with my father. Over all it went pretty well. Then was Nialls surprise," that's when I pulled my hand out of my pocket they didn't notice the ring yet," he blind folded me an took me out to the woods to a lake. He had set up lights around a gazebo thingy. Then he....... Proposed!" I said shoving my hand in their faces showing off my amazing ring. "Wow" they said in sync. "Ya last night was perfect. We spent the whole night looking at the stars."I said dazed. "So your getting married", Hanna said. I nodded. I was officially an engaged women. Then it dawned on me I still ha to tell my mom. "Omg I have to tell my mom", I said worried.

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