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That night we fell asleep just like that under the stars. It was the first time we said we loved each other. But even if it hadn't come out that night we still would've known our feelings were the same. Ever since then we have been inseperable. I've only known Niall for a couple months but it seeems like a life time. Harry and Taylor are still ina really strong relationship. Hanna and Zayn are frikkin adorable together. Keneisha and Louis are also really cute together. But I really don't know how they are together. I mean keneisha is more quite but on the other hand she also wild when she needs to be so scratch that they're perfect for each other. In fact they are going on a date tonight. So are Taylor and Harry. Though I have a feeling there's going to be more after the date... If you know what I mean.

One of my friends Reagan is moving in with us for awhile because she just moving here. We met each other in middle school. In high school we were pretty close until she moved to Brazil. We still kept in touch for a couple months then lost contact. Until a month ago when I got a call out of the blue. She said she was coming back and and asked if she could stay at our place. Of course she can always stay with us. Im actually looking forwatd to it. All were gonna do is party. We'll probably have the whole band stay here for that week because they're gonna want to see her to. It will be great! She's arriving at 5:00 pm. Its 3:00 right now. All I've done for the past 3 days was clean... And I don't clean. Taylor and I have like 1 day a month we clean and that's it. That's the only reason our house isn't burried in junk.

I asked Reagan if she wanted to meet 5 super hot guys and she agreeded but I forgot to mention they were One Direction..... Nevermind I didn't forget I just wanted to suprise her. I'm just evil like that. I was pulled out of my conversations with myself from my phone ringing. "Hello", I said kinda worried it was my dad but soon came to realize it was Reagan. "Hey. They just notified us we have about an hour until we land so I thought you might want to know. I just didn't know how long it qould take you to get to the airport". "Oh well it take like a half an hour so we'll head out now", I said wondering if she caught on when I said we. As if she read my mind she asked, "We?" "Ya me and Taylor and maybe like 7 other people". "What seriously?" "Ya bt I'm pretty sure your going to be really happy", I said mysteriously. She's always been a One Direction fan. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I Called Niall and told him to get ready along with the rest of them and to see if we could borrow a limo. Then I called Hanna then Keneisha and told them the same thing... except the limo.

A couple minutes later me and Taylor we interupted by a knock on the door. As I expected it was Niall and Harry. "Hey babe", Niall said as he leaned in for a kiss. I met him half way and as usual Louis yelled, "No PDA!!!!!!!!!". Typical Lou. Niall smiled his charming smile and grabbed my hand. As we walked to the car I layed my head on his shoulder. He was perfect in his own way. We reached the car and he ened the door for me... what a gentleman. I climbed in and sat next to Louis. This car ride was going to be fun. I leaned forward and told the limo driver where to pick up Keneisha and Hanna. I also adjusted the radio so it was blaring. I stayed leAning forward for a little longer cuz I knew Niall was trying not look at my butt. I was just going to test him. See how long it took before he asked me sit down. a couple seconds later, "Allison please stop teasing me and sit down", Niall said in a pleading tone. I did as I was asked and sat down. I gave a kiss on the cheek and turned my head to Louis, "He didn't look at my butt did he?" "Not one look", he answered and continued," But I think the driver might have." As he saod this I started laughing and punched him playfully in the arm. I turned back to Niall. "I love you", I said proud of him for not looking at my butt. "Olive juice too", he responded knowing I would catch on. My sister always did that to her boyfriend. When you mouth olive juice it looks like I love you. So that's kinda Niall and i's thing now.

We were almost to the airport when one of my favorite songs came on Just Give Me A Reason by Pink and FUN. Its really good so of course I shushed everybody and started to sing along

"Right from the start you were a theif you stole my heart and I your willing victim. I let you parts of that wernt all that pretty and with every touch you fixed them. Now you've been talking in sleep ah oh Things you never say to me ah oh. To tell me that you've enough of our love our love.... Just give me a reason just a little bits enough just second wre not broken just bent so we can learn to love again. Its in the stars its been written in the scars on our hearts but were not broken just bent and we can learn to love again", I stopped singing because every ody was staring at me. It was kinda freaking me out. I sat there for another couple seconds and I couldn't take it any longer, "Why are you staring at me!!" "Babe that was amazing", Niall finally said. "Its not like you haven't heard me song before", I said confused why this time was so much better than last time. "Ya but this time all we can hear is you not all the comotion at the club," Liam finished. I really didn't know what to say so I just shrugged and started singing again. My favorite part was coming up. But I didn't know if I could hit the note. It was really high. " We'll come clean", I sang hitting the note right on pitch. That was followed by an appluase. "Jeez guys your embarrising me", I said in a little kid whinny way making everbody laugh. "I know I'm just that funny", I said. Just as I finished that sentence we arrived at the airport. The driver opened the door for us and we asked him to wait there. On our way to find Regle (Reagan we always call her Regle bagel so I'll just say Regle) me and the girls went over the game plan with the boys. "K so you wait here", I pointed at the limo," and we'll go get her, " Keneisha continued on with the sentence when Hanna butted in, " Then when we get her we'll head back and we'll open the door for her and she'll freak out and love you, "Taylor finished at the sight of 5 guys with their jaws on the ground at the way we finish each others sentences. "I think I understand", Liam said. "I don't ", All the others said at once making te girls giggle. "Don't worry I'll run them through it again", Liam reassured as we walked off. It took us a while but finally we spotted Reagle. She turned around to see us and ran as fast as she could over to where we were standing and gave me a ginormous hug. " Omg I haven't seen you in forever", She said then quickly moved on to giving the others hugs. It was nice to see her. She hadn't changed much a little taller the same golden blonde hair that was wavy and went to her waist.nI couldn't quite put my finger on it. Oh well I'll figure out sooner or later. After all she is staying in the same house as me for week. On the way back we told her that we had a suprise for her. We all kept telling her that she would find out when we got to the cat. But apparently that answer wasn't good enough for her. After about five minutes after telling her she'd find out when she got the car I finally told her that of she didn't stop asking I wouldn't let her have the suprise. That made her shut up. Reagle was definetly stubborn. Once we reached the car we counted to three and opened the door. She did the unexpected when she saw them. Reagan fainted. She fainted. I was to shocked at first to do anything so thank gosh Liam caught her before she hit her head. We dragged her into the limo before it caused people to stare then realize One Direction was there.

We didn't really know what to do so we went with what we saw in the movie which was waiting until she woke up. It worked too. When she woke up she looked around and before she could see them again I covered her eyes . I slowly covered talked her through it, "Reagan its me Allison, k? you're in a limo with Keneisha Hanna and One Direction. Don't freak out they know all about you from me". She shook her head and I slowly removed my hand from her eyes. "Are you ok", Liam asked still concerned from the faint. "Ya I'm totally fine. I'm suprised my head doesn't hurt from hitting it on the ground", She said rubbing her eyes. "Liam here caught you", Niall said with wiggly eyebrows. "Thank you so much", She said hugging him tightly. Je was suprised at first but finally gave into the hug. They were cute together. I think everybody else saw it too . We all exchanged weird glances but in a weird way we knew exactly what they meant.

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