The Dinner

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" So what's she look like", Zayn asked. "She was the blonde singer in the band from earlier. I didn't get her name though" , I answered and then realied how strange it was going on a date with somebody who's name I didn't know. " oh she was hot". " Yeah but there's something else about her that makes me crazy about her." I really didn't know what I was getting myself into but I was sure it was going to be great. After the chat with zayn about leaving I said goodbye just as she walked up, " Hey sorry it took so long they were hardto find", She explained but I told her it was noting and we left.

"Dude your car is awesome!!" She was so excited. I have no idea why. It wa just a red camaro convertible... I've had better. "So back there, I didn't catch your name", I said akwardly. " Maybe that cause I didn't throw it at you", she giggled at her own joke. Her laugh was adorable. " Well than you better throw it cuz I really don't wanna call you love all night", I responded proud of the comeback. " Nah I think I like love", she looked right into my eyes and smiled evily. " Ok what ever you like.... Love". we both burst out laughing. we small talked the rest of the way.


" I'll take the Quater pounder along with the 10 peice chicken nuggets meal plus two snack wraps", Niall said looking right in my eyes almost as if challenging me. " I'll take", I was just starting", The chicken blt without tomato then 2 ten peice chicken nuggets,3 snack wraps, large fry and a mountin dew please", I said not looking away from his eyes glaring at him the whole time. As I finished his eyes got bigger and bigger. When the waitress asked if that was all I said " Oh could I also have a choclate shake and a hot fudge sundae?" she nodded politely and walked away. " OH MY GOSH HOW DO YOU EAT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!"He practicly screamed. " What can I say I'm just that talented", I said in a stuck up rich kid voice. "So let me get this straight. You can sing play the piano and eat. What else can you do that I don't know about", He asked still amazed about my order. " Hold up. If I eat my whole order before you, I walk away and no more dates," I saw him smile when I said the word 'date' ", Or if you finish first you can ask me 50 things you want to kjnpw about me", I wanted to see if he could beat me. You can ask my friends, Nobody beats me in an eating contest. "Your on", And we shook on it.

When our food got to the table I prepared myself. "3,2,1,GO!!!!!" I paid some random stranger 2$ to say and see who one. But I bribed him to say I won. After I finshed my blt I moved on to my nuggets. They were easy to eat. They always go to fast. Every time I finsh one I always want another. What can I say... I'm addicted. A few seconds later I look over at niall who was almost done. A couple more french fries was all he had left. I still had a whole snack wrap.

He soon finished up with a giant grin on his face. WHY DID I HAVE TO LOSE. First of all I'm not a good loser. 2nd especially when it comes to eating. "So when do you want to go out next? Friday? Saturday ? I'm free anytime," he bragged. I fake pouted which was quite convincing and he immediatly apologized, " Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you love",, He said dead serious maybe even a little guilty. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I really got into it by sniffingand fake wiping a tear from my eye. " I just don't know what happened," I said fake sobbing his reaction was hilarious," I just felt in the mood to prank someone", I said and burst out laughing. His cheeks went red with embarrestment. I was practically crying from laughing so hard. I finally calmed myself enough to say sorry.

We went back out to his car. I hoped in the passengers seat and turned on the radio. He immediatly turned it off. " its time for those questions

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