The Confession

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After knowing Allison and the rest of JACOW( Just A Couple Of Weirdos) a few realationships have come into play. Taylor and Harry, Hanna and Zayn, Keneisha and Louis (finally somebody who would put up with his loud personality) , And of course Allison and I are a match made in heaven. Every time I look into our eyes I can see us happyily together in the future. I know it sounds so romantic movie like.... but its real.

Allison was sitting next to me on the couch. She had her head on my shoulder our fingers intertwined. The moment was perfect. It was in that moment I realized that I loved her the moment I layed eyes on her. She was beautiful, funny smart talented and her eyes are amazing the bluish greenish gray eyes. She wasnt perfect but she was all I will ever need.

We had gone public but she seemed to be handling the hate good. Most of the time she would shrug it off. I didn't know many people that could do that. Some of the things were pretty harsh. And even though she puts on a strong face you can tell it hurts her.


I had just come home from rehersals. "Hey babe", I said and gave her a kiss. "Hey", She replied a little distant. I could tell someting was wrong so I said,"Babe if the hate starts gettingto you then don't read it". "I know I try to ignore it but I like to know what people think about me", She said. Her eyes told me her emotions. She was sad and I knew just the thing to cheer her up. "Let's go watch a really stupid comedy and forget alll about everyone else.... just us". She nodded and we walked to the couch. The whole time she only laughed a little the whole movie. But about half way through she pulled her phone out and went on twitter. As she scrolled through the hate there was one tweet that sent her over te edge.


As I scrolled through the hate one of the tweets caut my attention. Apperently the fans had been doing research on me. "ur a sl*t. Niall never has loved u and never will. I mean your own dad doesn't love you. That's why he walked out on you when you were younger wasn't it." As I read this I could feel the anger pulsing through my veins. If I stayed in that room any longer I was going to explode. I got up and walked out the front door. The anger still pulsing in me I screamed as hard as I could tryng to let all the emotions out at once. After I finished screaming the anger turned into pain. I just sunk down and pulled my knees to my chest sobbing. Niall came up and sat next to me. " I don't know anything about your dad but I will always love you Allison. Your all I'll ever need and that will never change", He saod as he lofted my chin so my eyes met his. "So I'm guessing its porbably time to tell you about my dad, huh", I said ready to reveal my past. I felt that I can trust Niall with my life and he wouldn't male a big deal out of it. So I told Niall everything from the beginning about my father and i's relationship. Niall was the best listener. The whole time he was staring straight in my eyes. After I was finished Niall said,"Don't believe a word anybody says about you... unless its good then believe it because your amazing". This last comment made me smile. sometimes I stay up and wonder how I got so lucky. I guess it just the luck of the irish. I was pulled out pf my thought as Niall smiled and said, "I have an idea", as he stood up and grabbed my hand. He lead me all the way through the house and then into the spare bedroom which had a balcony. He lead me towards it and let go of my hand when we got out there. "This is where I go when I'm sad", He explained. I was a bit confused though why he would come here because the view was of an old tree. He saw the confusion on my face and pointed up. Only then did I notice the giant tree house. He told me to climb up the ladder. When we were both in the tree house we looked up to see a sky full of stars. "Niall its beautiful", I said as I leaned on his chest. He responded, "Not as beautiful as you", and in that moment I knew I had loved him since I laid eyes on him. I would always love him... Forever and always.

AUTHORS NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I really hope ou guys like this chapter. Oh and by the way all this stuff about my dad is true. told it just how it is. And I'm not telling you this to get attention... That's not how I roll just thought u should know. One of my friends said it was to personal... But how can u relate to something If its not personal.... ya know. So just keep reading and if you have time read Taylor fan fic

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