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"So since you just got your cast off we need to get you back in training", said Tom, the physical therapist. "If we have any chance of beating this damage in your hand, we need to get started now".

After about 45mins of doing different hand stretches and exercises Tom let me go. I didn't exactly hate the physical therapy but it definitely wasn't enjoyable.

Right now I had no control over my pinky finger on my left hand. It really sucks.... Like a lot.


"Niall, I'm home", I shouted through the giant house. Me and Niall decided to move in with each other a couple weeks ago.

I smiled as I saw Niall jogging down the stairs. "Hey babe. How was your physical therapy", he asked giving me a quick kiss. "It hurt..... Bad. But kind of felt. Good at the same time."

"Love you", he said kissing me a bit longer this time.

"Love you too", I said kissing him back.

"So what are you doing the rest of the day", Niall asked smiling.

"I was thinking movie day, what do u think about that", I said smiling back at those beautiful eyes.

We decided to watch Easy A (love that movie). Niall and I were bundled in blankets on the couch snuggling up to each other. Laying like this, I could feel his heart beating, slow and steady. Our heart were in sink.... And that would never change.



"We should get married," I said matter-of-a-factly

He chuckled at this," Allison, we are getting married", he said with a hint of laughter behind his voice.

"Niall, i mean now".

Suddenly his face got serious.

"Like right now?"

"Yeah. We could get our closest friends and relatives and tell them to meet us in Paris. Then we could not tell anyone else where we were going so the paps wouldn't follow us", I said excitement pulsing through my veins.

I thought Niall might think different of this. But his face lit up the same as mine when I thought of the plan.

"How about instead of Paris, we go to the place where I proposed. It would be a nature wedding like you always wanted and the isle can be the bridge to the gazebo", he said excitedly. His spot was a lot more original than my thought was.

"Ok Ill call both bands, you call our moms and dads and siblings, sound good?" Niall nodded. But before he could get up I kissed him passionately. I was marrying him . I had to take a second for that to sink in. But right now I couldn't take a minute, I had to make many many phone calls.


"So Allison What are you wearing?" My mom asked as I talked to her over the phone. "I was hoping, your dress?" As if asking. Since coming up with this little plan, I have been getting more and more nervous for what is coming in two days.

"Of course. I'll bring the dress when I come. I'm leaving town in a little bit to the airport. Anything else you need?" She asked politely. "Nope that's it. Thanks again for dropping everything and coming." Soon we said our goodbyes and hung up.

A couple hours later.................

Me and Niall were laying in bed watching the tv. "Niall?"


"I wish Rosemary could be there", I said holding back my tears.

"I know babe," he said then we both fell asleep together



I was Walking down the sidewalk with Rosemary on that warm August morning.



"Your my best friend, you know that right?"

"Rose don't! I don't want to hear it again," I screamed sobbing. Instead of looking surprised, she continued talking as if she didn't here me ," I have cancer. I felt like my insides were getting ripped. It was bad enough once but twice I couldn't bare. I collapsed to my knees right there on the sidewalk

"I only have 6 months", she continued further. By this time I had cried all the tears I could and my sadness was replaced by anger.

"Why are you doing this to me" I shout at her, "Why did you have to leave me, I missed u so much and you just left. Never came back," I said while sobbing again.

"Allison", she said so calmly," the reason I left was so you didn't have to see me die," she said softly. I never understood why she moved to the United States and left me here friend less. But she did it for me.

"Rose thank you for making me realise that you left for me not because of me. All these years I blamed myself for you leaving."

"You needed to know the truth and I gave it to you", she said smiling.

"Thank you."

"So how are you and Niall?"

"You know about Niall?!?" I asked loudly.

"Of course I know about Niall. When I died I asked to be something like your guardian angel. Just my way of being a part of your life."

I made the shape of an o with my lips. "Everything is great between Niall and I are great. We're getting married. Like in a few days." I said nervously. I really wanted Rose to approve of him. When we were kids we would always talk about getting married and that we would be each others maid of honor.

So it was super important to me to have her blessing. I mean it probably wouldn't affect my decision but still.

"Allison that's fantastic! I'm so glad you met him. He's an amazing person from what I've seen. Not to mention he's very nice looking," she said smiling and wiggling her eyebrows.

I laughed and nodded. He was very hot indeed.

Rosemary and I conversed some more when she said," Allison you'll be great someday. Not just musically, but you'll have everything you've ever dreamed of."

"Rose, I'm pretty sure I already have everything I need and that's all I could ever want," I said. She smiled slowly and then something started happening. She started fading slowly. "Wait Rose! Will you be t the wedding", I really had no clue why I was asking. I just set myself up for disappointment. But she surprised me.

"Allison ill be there, I promise. Ill be there in the sun that's going to be shining and in the breeze in the air. You'll know when I get there. See ya Ally.

All of the sudden the street and the sidewalk warped into a swirl.

Next thing I knew I woke up in Niall's arms. My sudden jolt must've woken him because he was looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Everything ok?" He asked concerned.

"Niall everything is just great," I said smiling laying my head back on his chest.

I glanced at the clock and it was only 3:46 in the morning so I let my eyes flutter shut. Before drifting off into a dreamless sleep I felt Niall kiss my head softly. Everything was perfect just the way it is.



Hello how are all of you. Before I forget happy holidays. Hope you like this chapter. It's taken me forever, but most of the other chapters take forever too so I can't use that as an excuse. Well at least I'm trying. I'm having a hard time thinking of thing to write but I don't want to give up on the story just yet.

Well bye!!

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