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Two weeks have passed since I last saw him.
I went with Cielo to the city, to buy peppers for the chili she was going to prepare for dinner.
I drove down the dirt road and as I passed Will's farm, I found myself wishing I could see him. I shook my head to clear the thoughts and headed into town.
When Cielo finished buying what she needed, she decided to stop at Johnson's restaurant for lunch. The restaurant was cozy and very well decorated. The rustic decoration favored the place. It was almost full and we got a table further away. As soon as we sat down, Johnson greeted us with a breathtaking smile.
— I'm glad Lisy came and you too, Dona Cielo.
— I'm looking forward to showing Lisy how delicious the food here is. I already told her that this is the best restaurant in town.
A small dimple formed in his cheek.
We had lunch in peace. The service offered by Johnson was really great.
After we finished, Cielo went to talk to Victoria. I greeted her and went to the truck, but before I got in, Johnson came to meet me.
“Hey, Lisy! I turned and saw him approaching.
"Are you doing anything next weekend?"
- Hope not.
- Excellent! I wanted to know if you want to go to the movies.
“I don't know if I want to leave.
Disappointment was written all over his face and for a moment I felt bad.
- All right. Does this have to do with O'Connor? Because everyone has been talking about you since the party.
— No, Johnson... I'm just not used to going out with people I don't know. I'm also bad company. And about rumors, understand that people believe what they want and not everything they believe is true.
"Of course, I'm sorry." He smiled sheepishly. - You look nice.
- Thanks! And don't be sorry. I'm just not in the mood.
“I can change your mood.
“I'm serious, Johnson.
“So am I, Lisy. In the time you've been here, I haven't seen you make friends with anyone. This is not good. I won't make you do anything you don't want to, just that I would like you to allow me to at least be your friend.
I thought for a few seconds and accepted. How could I not want to be friends with someone who was so nice to me?
- All right. We can be friends, but I really don't want to go anywhere.
“Well, we have a start.” He smiled.
skyarrived at that exact moment and I nodded to Johnson.
"See you later, Lisy." If you want my company, you know where to find me.
- Yes I know.
I got into the truck and found Cielo looking at me.
- What?
"And you still say you're not pretty." Imagine if it was...


It was already getting dark and this time, I declined Thom's invitation to join them.
I liked the night. The night was like a hiding place. Where I lived, I always had the habit of taking short walks at night. It was good to get your thoughts in order.
I opened the gate and started walking down the dirt road into the night. My thoughts wandering at some point. There were no lights on the path and I didn't feel unsafe walking there. In the silence, only the sound of a cricket could be heard. After a while, I passed the front of the O'Connor farm and stopped to watch. Even from a distance, I could see how much everything was illuminated.
I wondered what he was doing, if he was alone or in the company of a woman. I shook the thought out of my head. I just wanted to walk a little, reflect on my life up to that point.
I continued walking and that's when the lights of a lighthouse hindered my vision. I went to the corner of the road and kept going, then saw the vehicle come around to a stop beside me.
— Heloise!
I would recognize that voice with my eyes closed or underwater.
— Yes, myself! What are you doing here?
“Not that it's any of your business, but I came for a walk. The night is so nice. In fact, I was until you showed up.
“We've never had any problems in that region. Still, I don't think it wise for a woman to walk down a deserted road at night. You're lucky I'm the one here, talking to you. It could be someone worse. Bad things happen.
"Certainly, Mr. O'Connor!" But God forbid something bad happens to me. The danger I've been facing is enough. Because you know, the world is full of dangerous people, who are around us, many times, wanting to humiliate us. I think I'm much more afraid of people like that than walking this road alone. The road doesn't do anything to me, unlike people like you, who love to humiliate others. Not only am I terrified of people like that, I take pleasure in keeping my distance. So stay away from me, O'Connor. You fit perfectly with the bad things that have happened to me.
Will frowned and shook his head.
"The damned dress!" You know how to hold a grudge, huh?
"By sir?" You're welcome! I only keep what really matters to me. Of you, I don't even remember your face. In fact, I just remembered what he looked like now that I stopped to pay attention. So you can see how small and insignificant you are.
Will slammed the truck door open and walked around. I tried to run, but I didn't even take three steps and he was already pulling me against his chest.
He was hugging me.
That was weird.
Will held me as if trying to fuse us together. If he wasn't the tremendous asshole he was being, I could have sworn he was needy.
"Yes, sunshine!" I'm insignificant, I'm rude, I'm despicable and there's nothing that can change that about me. You are so delicate and I feel angry because you move me. I can't let her become something to me. And I will never bend for anyone. I can't do this... Not even for you.
And then, Will kissed me possessively. I tried to pull away, but he held me. I started to feel that heat that swept through my body and made me think with hormones instead of my brain, so I wrapped my arms around his neck. I touched his hair and pulled it to intensify our kiss. It still wasn't enough. I wanted more.
I know I should have been firm in the decision to push him away, however, there was an attraction that wouldn't let that happen.
His kiss was like a desert, where no source could quench the thirst I felt for him. At the same time, I felt like I was drowning and I wanted more of that endless sea. Will was a storm in the middle of the sea. I would drown as many times as it took, just to feel that feeling again.
When we stopped to catch our breath, he placed both hands on my face.
"There's nothing more exciting than having the taste of you in my mouth."
And we were kissing again. Your hands
went down to my back and pressed me closer to him.
— I wonder when my mouth will taste all of you — again he kissed me again.
I was loving it.
However, almost pushing me away, he backed away from me, keeping his distance with his hands holding my arms.
"What I said at the party wasn't true," he said in a breathless voice. “I just…I was just really mad that everyone was looking at you. They all wanted you, Heloyse. You were so beautiful that imagining another wanting you was killing me. I know I was wrong to compare her to a prostitute. I'm sorry. But, I can't apologize for wanting you. And, don't think that what I feel for you is anything other than attraction. I don't feel anything beyond that.
Then he released me, walked around the truck, got in and drove away.
"How long will you collect tears, Lisy?

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