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Will was lying looking at the ceiling, while I was still on top of him, cuddling.
“I'm sorry about the kiss. I...
- Serious? he asked wryly.
I got up and Will grabbed my wrist, again making me sit on top of him.
"Tell me why you let him kiss you."
"Would it do any good, Will?" Would you believe? Because I don't want to see you looking at me, distrusting me like I'm a bitch. After all, isn't that what you called me?
"I didn't say that... I said... Damn it!" I went crazy. Tormented. You don't know how upset I get when I think you might be someone else's.
“I wouldn't know how to be another, Will. You made me forget about it.
He took a deep breath and hugged me.
“I let Johnson kiss me and after he kissed me, he knew his kiss didn't make me feel anything. He knew I would never kiss him the way I kiss you and that nothing would make me love him because I love you. And I'm sorry if I hurt you, too –– I said, unable to hold back the tears.
"No, Lisy," he said, still hugging me. “The only one hurt here is you. You were always honest with him. And I... I hurt her. I said something so ugly and it's not the first time. I did not want...
- I know. Forgive me!
“How can you apologize to me?
“I almost screwed everything up with that kiss. I hurt you and I almost lost you.
Will remained hugging me for several minutes. There was fear among us. Afraid to break that bubble.
— Oh, Lisy... How did I come to love you? I don't know how to deal with something big like that.
And we remained embraced, until our muscles ached. Hours later, I preferred to go home. The mood was still sad between us.
Will handed me a T-shirt and I put it on over my torn shirt. Then he took me home. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and walked inside.
Him saying he loved me was something that couldn't get out of my head. I spent hours remembering his words. Surely he was also thinking about everything that happened and certainly, that scared him.
I was having mixed feelings. I was happy to the extreme to know that he loved me and then, it saddened me when I thought that maybe, he said it in a moment of lust. Was it true? Would he regret it?
For the next two days, we didn't see or speak to each other in person, only on the phone. He had to go to the corn grain factory to analyze the accounts. He invited me, but I preferred to stay.
I went into town to see how everything was going.
Another day passed and they would take the measurements to make the counter. I also needed to see to the licensing issue and I still had a kitchen to tidy up. Everything was going well in that sense. However, the lack he caused me was so strong. It was only two days and it was like eternity.
skyhe went to Victoria's salon to see how she was doing and Patsy had stopped by to say hi. It was still weird, but in time I'd get used to it. She was having a relationship with Mr Marz.
Yes, he was a forty-year-old widower. And despite the mean comments, he didn't think she was with him for the money, after all, she was also rich and even more than he was.
They seemed to be in love.
She was always smiling with him. And let's face it, Mr. Marz wasn't a man to throw away.
I wondered if people didn't also think I was an opportunist, dating a millionaire man. But who cared? People would always find a reason to talk about others.
The next day, when I finished checking on the repairs, I grabbed my bag and turned to lock the door to my future coffee shop. It was after three o'clock and by that time, Will would be looking at the machinery near the oil wells.
I made plans to stop by and stay until he returned to the main house.
Afterwards, I would eat something, since I spent the whole morning feeling unwell and putting all the breakfast out.
Just as I was leaving, the key got stuck and wouldn't turn. I tried turning it again and nothing.
"Fucking key!"
— I think when you have problems, it's a sign that I will show up.
I rolled my eyes when I heard Johnson's voice. In fact, the problem was him.
- What you want?
“You don't hide how sour you are with me.
“I'm not sour. I just don't think we have anything to talk about.
And the damn key was still jammed.
“I'll help you.
- Not! I do not want. Thanks.
"I won't do anything, I just want to help."
I just managed to scream when I saw Johnson thrown to the ground, after Will had pushed him.
“Stay away from her, Johnson.
He got up and walked over to Will, pointing his finger at him.
“Do you think she's going to be with you for life, man? Nobody is crazy about it. Soon, she will get tired of the lack of attention you give her. I've never seen you two around here. Don't like taking a girl out, O'Connor? Or do you only take out vulgar women like Mary?
Hearing her name bothered me.
“Go away, Johnson. Please!
He didn't hear me. Will had a false calm that at any moment would explode.
- Wait! That's not your name, is it, Lewis? The son of the drunk Wilson Lewis? Yes, because that was the name of the boy from Green Park who appeared in the local newspapers. I lived nearby and my uncle was the delegate at the time. I always knew it was you.
“Congratulations, Johnson. It hit everything. Now get out of here before I break your fucking teeth.
“But, I'm not done yet. I heard my uncle say that you were the grandson of a quarrelsome old man who often beat his son. And that son, he was your father, wasn't he? And he spanked you too. See this, Lisy... We have a problem here. Do you know this story? There was an old drunk who abused his son, who became another drunk who beat his son. Watch out! Soon enough, you might find yourself with a broken tooth or a black eye...
Johnson is not finished.
Will threw punches and more punches at his face, and Johnson didn't even have time to protect himself or attack.
People started to leave the establishments and others came to break up the fight.
skycame running towards us.
In a moment of hesitation, Johnson punched Will, sending him staggering. He picked up a wooden slat that had been taken from the hall for renovations and slammed it down hard on Will's face. I screamed, putting my hand over my mouth, hoping someone could pull them apart.
Will landed on top of the glass that had been removed from the windows. She got up and went back to hitting him harder than before.
He had his back to me. He had prepared to throw another punch at Johnson and when I approached him from behind, to stop him, his elbow hit me as hard as a rock in my face.
The pain was excruciating and I saw my vision blur. I felt the metallic taste of my blood running from my nose into my mouth. I heard Will's voice calling to me. I lost my balance and went out into the street. Everything so fast, that I only saw the moment when a car came towards me.

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