Chapter 1 Solitary

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"I hate this world. Or rather the people living in it. I just want to be left alone. But yet this lonely feeling makes it so hard to breathe. I don't know where I belong anymore..."

The girl sat down on the riverside, gazing off into the distance where the sun was still rising. The mist engulfed the tall dark trees that spread along each side of the river. It was a cold moist morning and she hadn't brought along a jacket. But this cold fresh air accompanied by the beautiful scenic view was the only thing that was keeping her going.     

This peaceful location would be the place should would run off to during difficult times

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This peaceful location would be the place should would run off to during difficult times. Nobody else knew about this place. She'd stare at the reflection of the water, listening to the calming sound of streams as they run down past her. Even so, she couldn't shake off the sickening feeling in her stomach. That unbearable inner void that had stuck with her for so long. 

"What would it be like to disappear?", she wondered as droplets of rain began to fall.

She took off her shoes and placed her feet in the water that called out to her. She fell into the temptation of the mesmerising darkness. This was her only solution. Her way out of this misery. 

Her legs waded through the water that had already reached her shorts. Her body stiffened the further she went but she had no thoughts on stopping. That was until she noticed a silhouette emerge from the water a near distance away from her. 

"What's that?"

She watched as a long slim arm lifted up and back down into the water before disappearing under. 

"A person? Are they drowning?!"

She desperately trodded through the water but she had never learnt how to swim. Her head sunk under as she kicked around in panic. 

"Why I am so scared? Isn't this what I wanted?"

Her struggles only fatigued her body even more. She began sinking deeper as her oxygen depleted. That's when a hand reached out to her. It didn't grab her, instead it waited for her. Waiting to see whether she would take it or not. She took it and immediately her body was pulled up and out of the water. 

She couldn't see who it was but they pulled her along the surface and onto the land where she coughed up all the water she had swallowed. 

"Is it your first time swimming?"

She looked up to see a beautiful girl smiling at her with pink delicate lips and alluring dark pupils that made her heart pound. She had long silky hair that reached down to her breasts and an attractive slender figure. Her skin was fair and smoother than anything she had ever laid her eyes on before.

"What's wrong?"

"U-uh, nothing", she gulped as she turned away. "Thanks for saving me..."

"What were you doing out there?"

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