Chapter 13 Arrested

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"Let go of me!"

Hudson and Walter dragged over a man and forced him onto his knees in front of Sana.

"Are you one of Chou's men?", asked Sana.

"Who are you?!"

"Answer the question!", Walter punched him.

"So what if I am?"

"Where is he now?"

"I see... You're working for the Three bosses..."

"Where is he?", Sana glared.

"He's on vacation in Busan"


Tzuyu's Uncle emerged from the darkness.

"He's still in Taiwan"

"Wait... Aren't you Mr Chou's brother?"

"I'm glad you know"

"What are you doing here with these people?! Have you betrayed us?!"

"Betrayed you? I was never on your side to begin with!"

"You bastard! Wait till Mr Chou hears about thi-"

The sound of a gun clicked in front of the man. 

"Answer my questions and I'll let you leave this place alive...", said Sana.

The man gulped before nodding his head.

"How do we get into the Chou building?"

"You can't. There is only one entrance and it's been guarded by Mr Chou's men. Even if you make it through them, there are security systems that you need to pass before you make it into the building"

"How do we get past them?"

"I don't know. Even I have no access to the building. Only higher ups are allowed in there. I'd expect you to know the way in..."

The man looked at Tzuyu's Uncle.

"My brother doesn't trust me. Why do you think I'm here"

"You're lower than shit. Using both sides to your advantage as an undercover spy! Don't think you can do this forever! They will find out soon!"

"That's the least of my problems. If the worst comes, I'll just give my brother's daughter to the Three Bosses. That way I'll have them on my side if the next great war commences", Tzuyu's Uncle grinned.

"You're getting the daughter involved?! You're niece?!"

"Tzuyu does not matter to me. Anything related to my brother does not matter to me. I will use anything against him, even if it's his daughter"

Sana clenched her jaw.

"You monster!"

"You're right. I am a monster. But the real monster is Mr Chou, the man you work for. You do not know what he is capable of"

"Using his innocent daughter as an escape is too far! You can't ruin his family!"

"Family? He doesn't consider his daughter as family. In fact he doesn't consider anyone family. He only sees people as slaves. Even if his daughter dies, he wouldn't even care for a second!"


"But the Three Bosses don't know that. If I gave them his daughter, they'd use her to their advantage without knowing how little he cares for her. I'm sure this would piss of the Three Bosses in some way"

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