Chapter 12 Consolation

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*RIng Ring*



"Tzuyu?!! Where are you?! He-!"

"TZUYU!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!", Nayeon snatched the phone.

"I'm fine..."

"Thank goodness! Where did you go?! Come back to the hospital!!"

"I want to be alone for a while..."


"It's okay, Tzuyu, take your time!", Jihyo called out from the bed.

Tzuyu ended the call and sat down by the river all by herself like she used to. The starry night sky was as beautiful as it was on the night she came with Sana, but this time it felt so lonely. She hadn't felt this loneliness in a long time. That tightness in her chest that made it so hard to breathe. That unbearable inner void. The utter lost of hope. All of it came flowing back. 

"This must've been what she felt when I left..."

Tzuyu buried her face in her hands.

"What have I done...?"

*Ring Ring*

Tzuyu pulled out her phone.



Tzuyu hesitated before answering it.


"Tzuyu. Where are you?"

"I... I'm... back in Korea..."

"I figured so..."


Tzuyu's mum sighed.

"Do you want me to come back?"

"No. Just stay there. You've got access to the house, right?"


"I know you didn't want to come back to Taiwan anyways, so I'll let you stay in Korea"


"Yes, but you must go back to school there"

"Okay I will, thank you... Ah, by the way-"

Tzuyu's mother ended the call.

"I wonder if the maid is alright..."

Tzuyu got up and headed back home.

"I wonder if Tzuyu was able to talk Sana out of it", said Chaeyoung.

"I doubt it... She didn't sound happy on the phone", said Jihyo.

"Tzuyu just texted. She said she's going back home", said Jeongyeon.

"Home? You mean Taiwan???", Nayeon panicked.

"No, like home home. She said she's staying now"


"Yeah, apparently her parents are allowing it"

Nayeon jumped up and down in excitement but accidently tripped over and fell against the bed.

Jihyo began laughing which made her wound ache.

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