Chapter 14 Despair

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"You guys don't have to do this..."

"Tzuyu, we've all decided already"

"You're not doing this by yourself"

The girls stood at the teacher's desk with a note in their hands. It was a permission note to go on leave for a while.

"You guys should stay out of this. You shouldn't leave school to help me, it's your last year"

"It's the same for you. Don't act like you can do everything by yourself", said Jeongyeon.

"I don't want to invol-"

"Quit saying that. It's no use, we won't listen", Dahyun placed her note on the desk.

"We're all coming with you whether you like it or not"

Tzuyu hated the idea of bringing any of them into something like this. But it was something Jihyo told her to do. To work together. 


Tzuyu placed her note on the desk.

"Let's go save Momo"

This was two days ago. The girls worked hard to search for Momo but there were no signs of where she was. They couldn't get in contact with Mina either. 

"Have you guys contacted Jihyo? She was suppose to be released three days ago", said Nayeon.

"She told us she'd contact us when she was out of the hospital", said Dahyun.

"Do you think something went wrong?"

"We should go check up on her", Jeongyeon suggested.

"It'll be better if we split off into two groups. Nayeon, Dahyun and Chaeyoung, you guys go to the hospital. Jeongyeon and I will head to the police station once more. Call us if you find her", said Tzuyu.

The girls agreed and they headed out.  

"Are you sure we should check the police station again? I'm sure they're sick of seeing us there"

"They seem suspicious, they definitely know where Momo is...", said Tzuyu.

JeongTzu walked into the police station and asked to visit Momo.

"Sorry, we don't have a Momo on the list"

"Are you sure you've checked properly?"

"Yes. We are positive", the lady looked at the officer.

"Could you check the records for Momo in any other police stations?", asked Tzuyu.

"We cannot do that"

"Why not?!", Jeongyeon fumed.

"That's enough you two. Please leave", said the officer.

The two girls were kicked out.

"They know where she is...", Tzuyu clenched her fist.

"I can't believe this city has come to this. The police have been completely manipulated!", Jeongyeon yelled so that everyone could hear.

*Ring Ring*


"Tzuyu! Jihyo's gone!"

"Gone? Did she leave the hospital?"

"No! Like she's actually gone! The nurses don't know where she is!"


"There's a letter here. It's for you"

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